Page 22 of Kevlar To My Vest

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Once done, I grabbed him by the wrist and ushered him in Loki’s general direction.

With one disgusted snarl, Loki led him from the room.

“Viddy?” I called eyes on the bottom of the bed.

“Under here.” Came her muffled reply.

Dropping down to my knees, I looked underneath to find a shit load of boxes.

“Where under here?” I asked curiously.

Her little hand poked out from between boxes, and I had to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

“How’d you get back there?” I asked as I started moving boxes.

Her head poked out, and my breath caught in my throat.

Her hair was wild and untamed, just the way I liked it.

Then, as her body emerged as she crawled out from under the bed and into my arms, my breath stalled in my chest.

She was shaking like a leaf, and it took everything I had not to squeeze her too tightly.

The adrenaline that was surging in my body for the second time that night, finally released, and I felt suddenly exhausted and drained.

“You okay?” I whispered into her sweet smelling hair.

She nodded. “Yes. Oh, God. That was horrible.”

I silently agreed, hugging her a little more tightly.

My hands ran up and down her back, petting her hair as it fell all the way down to her waist. It was soft. Almost like those slippery sheets that cost a mint. Satin maybe.

Radar’s cold nose on her arm made her giggle, and she turned to embrace Radar with one hand, bringing him closer to the two of us before burying her face his thick fur.

“She okay?” Loki said from the doorway.

I looked up, startled, to find Kettle standing in the doorway, Adeline standing nervously behind him.

I nodded. “She’s okay.”

“Move so I can go in.” Adeline snapped from behind her husband.

When he started to move, I snapped. “Stop. This is a crime scene. Go back outside until I can get her some clothes. I don’t want to contaminate the evidence by having all these people traipsing through here.”

Adeline scowled at me fiercely, but I didn’t relent, which pissed her off. “Fine.”

Kettle raised his head until he was staring at the ceiling. “Goddammit. This was such a good night, too.”

“Who do I have to kill?” Viddy whisper yelled at me.

I looked at her strangely. “Do you mean Paul?”

“No. Whomever thought it’d be a good idea to call my sister. My pregnant sister. My so pregnant she’s about to pop, sister. The sister who’s a raging bitch if she doesn’t get enough sleep sister.”

“I heard that!” Adeline yelled from the living room.

“I wanted you too, you mean bitch!” Viddy yelled from the circle of my arms. Standing up, she used first my arms and then my shoulders to push herself up.

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