Page 34 of Kevlar To My Vest

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All three of us brothers had gone through nearly the same thing.

Bree, my ex, left me after one particular drug deal that’d gone horribly wrong, leaving me with a scar that spanned from hip to hip at my back. Miller and Foster’s exes left because they couldn’t handle their men being in the military and in danger all the time.

Our mother thought she’d gone horribly wrong when it came to her sons. My father, however, knew the score. He’d been in the military for nearly his whole life, and had been lucky to find one that stuck with him through thick and thin. He’d had friends, however, that weren’t so lucky.

“What’s she doing here?” Miller asked.

“Her ex broke into her house while she was there and started jacking himself off to the smell of her underwear. She was scared shitless so she came home with me until I can get the alarm installed.” I explained.

“What happened to him?” Foster asked.

“He got out on a year of probation. Wasn’t enough, but I plan on having a talk with him to let him know what will happen to him if he decides to pursue her in any way.” I informed them.

They grunted in acknowledgement. I had a feeling I wouldn’t be going alone. Especially since I already had Kettle and Loki chomping at the bit to tag along, too. It’d be one big fuckin’ carnival.

Foster, seeing Viddy approaching just as I did, changed the subject.

“I think we should go fishing tomorrow. I have another week of leave before I have to go back. I really could use a little relaxing time.” Foster groaned.

I glanced at my little brother, seeing the fatigue lining his mouth and eyes.

Although he was always in a perpetual good mood, I knew when he was out of sorts. All three of us always knew when the others were hurting. Our parents liked to call it our brother bond. We just liked to call it perception.

We’d been all each other had growing up.

We’d lived in Germany, France, and so many states that it was hard to name them all when we were young.

Dad went where the Navy sent him, and we dutifully followed.

The Spurlock boys always had each other’s backs, and God help anyone that tried to pick on one of us, because the other brothers wouldn’t let you forget whom you fucked with.

I could always count on them.


“Sure, I have to run by Viddy’s apartment tomorrow because I’m having an alarm installed, but Max and Gabe should be there fairly early, so after that we’re free to go.” I said just as Viddy stepped up onto my porch.

Viddy’s mouth was pursed, making me barely contain the smile that wanted to overtake my face.

Viddy wasn’t happy that I’d paid for the materials and labor to have the alarm installed.

My argument was that I’d been the one to hire the most expensive men in the Ark-La-Tex, so I was going to pay for it. End of story.

She’d not had anything else to say to that. My guess was that she didn’t want to fight with me over the matter. She’d figure out a way to pay me back eventually. She was devious like that. I’d have to be on the lookout just in case she tried to start slipping me bills in random spots.

“Who’re Gabe and Max?” Miller asked.

“They run a modern day Underground Railroad for ladies that are trying to escape abusive situations, along with three other men. James, one of the members of Free, is married to Sebastian’s sister. Sebastian and Sam, another of the members, are brothers. Silas is their father. They have different mothers though. They put up the capital, and together they erase her identity, and give her a new one. They send her on her way with a nice bank account, a new name, and ensure she’s safe.” Viddy explained jovially.

As if it was the most awesome thing in the world, what they did.

I blinked at her, surprised that she knew that much stuff about them. The men of Free were pretty tight lipped about what they did. They had to be, or the women they helped would be in danger.

“How’d you know all that?” I asked suspiciously.

“People tend to talk around me. For some reason they see the blind girl and assume I’m too stupid to realize what’s going on. That and I tend to blend into the background in most situations.” She shrugged.

“So what else have you learned?” I asked worriedly.

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