Page 40 of Kevlar To My Vest

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“I don’t know. My best guess is just about anything you do in your room, he saw. Or would’ve seen. We don’t really know how many actual videos he’s taken so far, but this one was the type where you have to actually come into the apartment to get the feed. That’s probably what he was going to do when he broke into your apartment.”

Instead of the fear that I expected, her face was replaced by rage. Pure, volatile rage.

“That stupid piece of shit. That goddamn piece of mother fuckin’ shit! Do you have any idea how much of his shit I had to put up with?” She asked, pushing me backwards so she could stand. “That little dick. Do you have any idea what he tried to do to get in my pants?”

I looked at her, stunned at the change.

When I shook my head, she continued. “That man was hounding me for months! Thank God I told him I wouldn’t sleep with him until I loved him. Jesus Christ.”

Her hair was in a braid, but during her tirade, she yanked the band that was at the end of her braid out, and started viciously tearing her plaits apart.

“The nerve! Thank God you came along, or I would have. When I met you, everything I thought I had with Paul flew out the fuckin’ window. Then you had to go and give me a ride on your stupid motorcycle, and all of my bad girl tendencies came back.”

“Bad girl tendencies?” I asked in surprise.

She glared at me. “Yes, bad girl tendencies. The ones where I want to ride motorcycles, and blow off my responsibilities.”

“You blew off responsibilities for me?” Trance asked.

My brothers were standing behind me laughing at Viddy’s tirade, all the while she paced. “Yes! I was supposed to go to Adeline’s house and help her deep clean her house, but all you had to do was bring out the dimples and I don’t even have the gumption to tell you no.”

I crossed my arms over my chest and glared back at her. “You know she’s pregnant, not an invalid. There’re pregnant people running marathons at nine months pregnant. I think Adeline can handle a goddamn house cleaning.”

“She told me everything hurts. I was supposed to help.”

“You’re blind, or you were blind, what could you do?” I asked.

“I’m not blind...per say. I can offer moral support.” She said as she crossed her arms across her chest.

“Right. If it’s really that bad, then Kettle can afford to hire some cleaners.”

“You just have an answer for everything, don’t you?” She sniffed.


With a huff, she spun around and walked into the house.

I watched the door slowly, waiting for the inevitable, and wasn’t let down a minute or so later when all four dogs were let outside, with the door slammed shut solidly behind them.

“You don’t keep her, I will.” Foster said.

“You’ll have to wrestle me for her, first.” Miller confirmed.

“Fuck off.” I said before doing some exercises with the dogs.

“You got it, you got it bad, when you’re on the...”

“Shut up!” I yelled, glaring at the two over my shoulder.

They were making wrist gestures at me, so I flipped them off for good measure.

I wasn’t kidding them nor myself. I did have it bad.

Chapter 7

Feel safe at night. Sleep with a cop.

-T-shirt from Adeline to Viddy
