Page 61 of Kevlar To My Vest

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It took him a few moments before he finally caught on to what I was saying before he smiled widely. “You can see?”

I held my hand out and made a so-so gesture with my hand. “Sort of. In fact, it was about 75 percent in my left eye when I walked into school today, and is now down to about 50 percent. My doctor says it has a lot to do with my stress levels.”

He was nodding vigorously. “Well, I’m just happy that you’ve made improvements. Now, all I wanted to really know was how you liked your job. What improvements do you feel that we need to make in the special education department?”

I thought about the question before I explained with all honesty. “Well, I feel that the department could vastly improve. Right now we see anywhere from four to eight students an hour, most there for help during tests. Leona has been a super help. I feel that the SE department would do much better if we had some sort of...bonding exercises. There’s still a huge gap between the two schools, and I have no clue how to bridge it. Sandra doesn’t like me because I took her job, and those that were under her at the other school follow her lead.”

Ronald was new to the school. The two schools decided that they’d hire out of either school system for the right person for the job. The two previous principals had retired, not wanting tofight what they saw was inevitable when the two schools merged, making it possible to out-source the job.

Ronald had been in the public school system for nearly thirty years, starting out as a history teacher after his stint in the marines, and moving up the chain of command from there. He was an excellent principal, and all the students loved him.

Even both sets of teachers from the opposing schools.

“Okay,” he nodded. “I understand how that could be a problem. I’ll be having a talk with Sandra. From there, I’d like you to plan out your retreat, and I’ll mandate the teachers to attend to count as their continuing education. Win-win for all parties!”

His smile was infectious, and I smiled back at him in return.

“I’ll get right on that, Ronald.” I answered.

“How’s the new baby doing? Did your sister get the flowers I sent from the administrative office?” He asked.

I nodded my head. “Yes, she called to tell me they were beautiful. Saylor is doing wonderful. She was seven pounds even when she was born.” I beamed.

Adeline had called early this morning to tell me she’d gotten zero sleep, and that she needed some caffeine. I’d told her to wake her lazy husband up, but she’d refused and told me he’d stayed up the entire night with them.

Although I’d thought it was nice of him, I still didn’t feel bad for calling him minutes after hanging up with my sister to tell him Adeline needed coffee.

I was on the way to work and he was just lying there. It was time to get used to it. Babies were one hell of a commitment, and being sleep deprived was only one of the new responsibilities they’d have.

Although I did promise to sneak a beer in my purse when I came to check on them later.

“Excellent. All right, well you brainstorm on what you’d like to do, and get back to me.” He said standing and holding the door open for me.

As I walked out of the office, I thought long and hard about what to do with Sandra and her inability to pass my messages along.

In the end, I decided that maybe I should just wait to say anything. It really wasn’t a hanging sentence what she’d done, so I would give her another chance. I wasn’t a total shrew, but if she kept it up, I damn sure wouldn’t let her get away with it.

After three more stressful hours at work, I decided to stop early since my head was pounding. Not to mention that my eyesight had dwindled down to just barely twenty-five percent.

Sandra had been even more of a rude cow than usual. Thankfully, it was my slow day, so I was able to get out of there with minimal juggling of my workload.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I called Trance only for it to end up going straight to voicemail.

The same went for Adeline and Kettle.

Then, I called the cab company only to find out that the two usual cabs were both busy on assignments and couldn’t come pick me up, which led me to either stay here or walk.

Sandra chose that moment to start bitching about how I was doing my reports incorrectly, which made the decision for me.

“Leona, honey, I’m going to go early. I’m not feeling well. I’ll be back tomorrow, though, okay?” I said as I started shoving my things into my bag.

Leona looked over at me worriedly, but the small smile I sent her seemed to appease her concern, and she waved as I exited the CE rooms.

I was surprised to see Falco in the parking lot when I finally made it out the front door. Falco was on work program, which allowed him to leave half way through the day to go to work.

“Hey, Falco. What are you still doing here?” I asked.

The bells that signaled the end of third period had rung nearly ten minutes ago, and the work programmers didn’t waste any time high tailing it out of the parking lot, regardless of whether they actually had to go to work or not.
