Page 71 of Kevlar To My Vest

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Her shoes were what stopped me in my tracks, though. They were motorcycle boots, with pink laces.

On Viddy, though, they were the absolute cutest thing I’d ever seen.

Smiling, I walked hand in hand with her until we reached the front door before saying, “I don’t care who you’re a bitch to. As long as it’s not me.”

“Not even your mom?” She asked over her shoulder.

She had a grin tipping up the corner of her lips, but I didn’t take the bait. “If that pleases you.”

I knew she wouldn’t be a bitch to my mother. In fact, she’d go out of her way not to be a bitch to her.

My mom was a hard woman to be mean to. She was friendly and considerate. But she also could give just as much as she could take. She had to with three boys that were all within three years of each other.

“Glad to see you could make it back.” My mom said disapprovingly.

I shrugged unapologetically. “Sorry.”

I took a seat beside my mother and pulled her into a hug. “What are you doing here?”

“What, you think that I wouldn’t come see my boys when they’re all in one place for once?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

I snorted. Should’ve known she would be here. She always came down before, and this time she had extra incentive. Mainly in the form of Viddy.

“I stand corrected. Viddy, why aren’t you at work?” I asked making a show of looking at my watch.

She glared at me. “Teacher in service. You would know if you hadn’t left without waking me up first.”

I held up my hands in surrender. “I tried, to be honest. You weren’t waking up, though. After the third time of you telling me to ‘fuck off’I left you alone.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and refused to answer.

My mother thought that was hilarious, though.

“Trance has always been a morning person. I remember when he used to wake me up at four thirty in the morning, no matter what I did to tire him out the night before. Do you know how hard it is to tell this cute face no?” She gestured to my face.

I rolled my eyes, and found my stare caught Bree’s fuming one, but I quickly looked away, instead focusing back on Viddy.

She was nodding sagely. “The man has dimples. Where did he get the dimples from? I see those and I just melt.”

Oh, Lord.

“He tried to get away with a lot of stuff growing up. They all did. You should’ve seen him the day they tore my garden up with our new tiller. The entire thing was destroyed, and they all sat there crying with their little dimples, and I forgave them like the sap I am.” She said emphatically.

“I seem to remember plenty of times when I got the belt growing up.” I scowled.

“From your father. Never from me. He’s immune to the dimples since he has them.” My mother smiled warmly.

“Did dad come with you?” I asked.

She shook her head. “No, he couldn’t get out of work on such short notice.”

Their food came, effectively shutting them up, giving me the time to do my own talking.

“Today, I plan on running a few errands. I have to stop by the police station and make a report. Then I have to do some training with the dogs. What are y’all’s plans for today?” I asked.


