Page 112 of Forever & Always

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“I like it,” she said, her words laced with amusement.

I chuckled. “Of course, you do.”

“Besides, you were hard without even touching me,” she pointed out with amusement.

“Yes, I was,” I admitted, turning her away from the car. “If it wouldn’t put me in physical pain, I’d slide my hand inside your panties and leave you in as much misery as I’m in right now.” Remi gasped and instead I slid an arm around her slim waist as we walked inside. “Mental note to self… do that. Soon.”

“You’re mean,” she said, but grinned.

“I’ll make it up to you later. Promise.”

I was secretly glad she didn’t want to go out tonight. Both of us were tired, and I’d promised myself I’d work out hard after Rory got Bethy’s marrow procedures tomorrow. More than anything, I just wanted to be alone with her and after that conversation and the kissing in the garage, I was wound like a wire.

Once we were behind closed doors, Remi stood on tiptoe and gave me a soft kiss before she kicked off her shoes and left them in the hallway by the door. I opened a bottle of her favorite white wine as she went into her bedroom to change her clothes. “You know, my dad had a huge bouquet delivered to Bethy, in her room tonight. Donor to donor,” she called through the open door.

“He’s so fucking smooth.” I shook my head in awe. “I swear, I’ll never be that smooth.”

Remi’s laughter tinkled from the other room. “After what you just said about my panties? I don’t agree.”

“That’s only because it’s you.” I didn’t think I could be closer to Remi if I tried. “It’s like we’re the same person.”

“Except with deliciously opposite parts,” she said with a little laugh. She ran a finger down my back and turned away. “Light the candles,” she called. “I’m hopping in the shower.”

“Hmmm, that sounds promising,” I murmured to myself, and then did her bidding. There were two pillar candles on the fireplace mantel and after lighting them, I observed the soft glow they cast around the room after I turned off all the lights. I decided they were enough.

The buzzer in the hallway went off and I went over and answered it. “Yes?” I wondered who could be showing up at her place this late at night. For a moment there was silence. “Hello?” I said more forcefully.

“I thought this was Remilia Forrester’s apartment. I must have the wrong number.”

“No, this is her apartment. She’s in the shower. Who is this?” I demanded. Was it Alan? I’d only spoken to him briefly and wasn’t that familiar enough with his voice to tell. Who would have the stones to show up at eleven o’clock at night on a weeknight?

“I’m Derrick Ellington. I’m a friend of hers.”

Fuck me, I thought, anger exploding inside me. I felt the blood rush into my face and make it flush hot. “No! You’re not her friend. What the hell are you doing here? You’re stalking Remi now?” I left my finger release the button on the com so he could respond.

Part of me wanted to go down and pummel him hard, but my dad’s voice sounded in my head telling me not to ruin my career over this piece of shit!

“Dylan? Is that you?”

I pushed the button again and leaned in toward the intercom. “Yes. Leave before I come down there and beat the living shit out of you,” I hissed. “You have no right to be here. I swear to fucking God, I will call the police and you’ll be back inside for violating parole. You stay the hell away from Remi, my mother, my father, and my entire family. I don’t ever want to hear from you again, got it?” I wondered why he wasn’t already back in jail for violating parole when he came to my apaprtment.

“I mean her no harm. I was just desperate to talk to you. I thought she could reason with you.”

“She knows I don’t want to talk to you!” I spat. “Ever! And why would she do that? Do you remember that you kidnappedbothof us? We might have been young, but we remember.” I raged. I was pissed that this bastard had changed my mood from mellow and ready for love to pissed and ready to kill something.

“That was a long time ago.”

“Leave us alone or we’ll get a restraining order and if we do that, the parole board will be notified by the court.” My parents had contacted an attorney and already had one drawn up to have ready if he ever contacted me again or if he tried to contact either of them. I’d have to ask them to add Remi, now.

“I just need some help, son. Please.”

I inhaled a deep breath until I felt my lungs would burst. So, he needed cash, but I knew that if I gave him money, we’d never be rid of him. “I’mJensen Jeffersson.” I spat. “He was the one who raised me and took care of us. You abused us. Why would I help you?”

“I just need enough to get on my feet until I can get a job. You have no idea how difficult it is to get a job after prison.”

I didn’t have much sympathy for him, considering all that had happened. “When you showed up in Kansas City you said you wanted to know me, but what you meant was you wanted money.”

“I’m sorry. I–I do want to know you.”

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