Page 32 of Forever & Always

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As hard as I tried, I couldn’t help comparing Dylan to Alan. Dylan was scruffy, and wild, his hair longer and his demeanor more carefree. Alan was clean shaven, never a hair out of place, and always mapped out every second of every day. Dylan was unruly and Alan was perfectly coiffed. Dylan was passionate and easy-going, while Alan was measured and steady. Both men were handsome, but Dylan was more rugged, solid, and strong; by far more manly. Dylan’s personality was like a raging wildfire, and Alan was sort of unfeeling.

Oh, God, I thought miserably.Why couldn’t Alan have at least some of Dylan’s qualities?

“That’s why you love me,” Dylan voice broke into my thoughts.

I almost choked on my last bite. Did he read my mind? “What?” I asked, unsure if I’d spoken my thoughts aloud.

“You love me because I’m so modest,” he clarified with a chuckle.

Relief flooded through me. My secret was still safe. “Oh, yeah.” I forced a laugh. “For sure,” I mocked.

Dylan reached over and grabbed the last piece of the apple funnel cake from the plate in front of me and shoved it in his mouth before picking up both plates, getting up and heading for the trash can.

“Geeze, piggy,” I admonished, standing up to follow.

Dylan was putting his sunglasses back on and then used a fist to hit his chest once. “I’m a growing boy.”

“Ya think? I doubt my dad would encourage so many carbs for his new star forward.”

“Oh, hell,” Dylan groaned. His misery was over exaggerated. “Just one cheat weekend won’t do much damage. I can handle it, see?” He lifted the hem of his shirt to show me his six-pack abs, the left side of his mouth sliding up in a sexy half smile; as if I hadn’t gotten an eye full at the pool the day before. As if he didn’t have the seduction play honed to practiced precision.

“Bragger,” I retorted. “Do you want to get in line for one of the rollercoasters first?”

“What? You’re in great shape, Remi. I was checking you out in your bikini yesterday.”

My eyes widened behind my dark glasses. I was horrified, sure there was no comparison to the rock-hard bodies of Christy and the others he was used to. “Yeah, well, I spent more time studying and volunteering than working out. I probably need to hit the gym more.”

Dylan grabbed my hand and brought it up to his chest. “You look amazing to me.”

I inhaled deeply, studying this strange person who lived inside the body of my best friend, unsure what to make of the change between us.

“You didn’t answer me, Dylan. What ride would you like to start with?”

“Ladies get first pick.”

“Well, the Mystery Mine is right here, and the line doesn’t look very long,” I suggested.

“Cool,” Dylan answered. “It will get us warmed up for the bigger roller coasters.”

As we walked over and took our place in line, Dylan’s hold on my hand lessened and I pulled mine free as my phone sounded from the fanny pack.

“Your butt’s ringing,” Dylan pointed out the obvious.

“I know, but I’ll get it later.”

Dylan crossed his arms over his chest which only made his shoulders look broader. He towered over me, another major deficit for Alan. If only I could stop comparing the two.

“It’s probably your man.”

I shrugged. “Or Bliss or Mace whining about not being allowed to come with us. I noticed your phone was pinging during breakfast and you blew off whoever it was, so why shouldn’t I?”

“I don’t know, maybe because I’m not in a relationship?” I watched his expression, but he wasn’t looking down at me, and his tone was blasé. “You said it’s kind of serious.”

I sighed heavily. “I don’t really want to talk about Alan,” I said quietly.

“How come? We used to talk about everything. Or most everything.”

He was right. “Right, we never discussed boyfriends or girlfriends growing up, so why change now?”

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