Page 21 of Fallen Knight

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“Willyoube okay being back here?” He places his hand on my leg, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Falling back into your old life? Potentially being surrounded by memories of…everything?”

“I don’t know,” I answer with a shake of my head. “I need to be here for my brother. Need to do everything I can to make his life easier. And I do believe taking the pressure off him by resuming my duties will help immensely to that end.”

“Then you’re staying.” It’s not a question. More a statement.

“I think I have to.”

He nods, shifting his gaze forward as he processes this.

“I know it’s probably not what you want to hear. Or what you signed up for. But—”

“Hey.” He cups my cheek, cutting me off. “I offered to come and support you. The same goes for this, too. Plus, you said it yourself. It’s just temporary while your brother adjusts. Before you know it, we’ll be back in Paris, spending our days off in bed.” He flashes me a devilish smile. “Clothing optional.”

“I like the way you think,” I murmur as I inch my lips toward his.

“And I like the way you taste, princess.”

I suck in a sharp breath, breaking into a coughing fit, his term of endearment a shock to my system. Normally, he calls me darling or beautiful. Not princess.


There’s only one man who’s ever called me that.

There’s only one man who Iwantto call me that.

“You okay?”

I lift my glass to my mouth. “Yeah. I’ve just always hated that nickname.”

He studies me as I guzzle my wine.

If he finds my answer suspicious, he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he offers a quick apology before changing the subject to the latest script his agent sent him for a project he’s not too sure about yet.

But I don’t hear a word he says.

All I can think about is Creed Lawson and the way my body buzzed to live whenever he called me his princess.



“So how is he with…everything?”Harriet asks as we sit at my favorite sidewalk café in the heart of Montrose, the capital city of Belmont.

It feels like it was just yesterday I sat in this same café and told my best friends about my grandmother’s plan for me to marry Jameson Gates, after which they encouraged me to ask Creed to take my virginity. I never would have imagined that seemingly innocent conversation would change the trajectory of my life.

Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t met with Harriet and Marius that day. Would I have eventually found my way into Creed’s arms? Or would I have gone along with the royal household’s plan? Would I be married to Jameson Gates right now and already have two children, as is required?

It’s strange to think that an inconsequential afternoon with my friends would have such a drastic impact on my life. Despite how difficult it’s been to see Creed again, I can’t say I regret our past. Not when our time together helped me become the person I am now.

I pull my attention away from the trees lining the canals, the leaves painted a mixture of red, orange, and yellow now that autumn has arrived. As much as I love summer, this is my favorite time of year. The beautiful colors. The brisk temperatures. The smell of burning leaves that clings to the air.

“He’s doing as good as can be expected, all things considered.” I lift my teacup to my lips and take a sip.

While Anderson’s keeping his diagnosis quiet for now, he gave me permission to tell Harriet and Marius. He knew they’d become suspicious if I suddenly returned to Belmont for more than a quick visit after avoiding this place for the past nine years, not to mention resume my duties as a senior royal.

“We’ve spent the week meeting with his neurologist and physical therapist, as well as hired a nutritionist for him. Thankfully, there are a lot more treatment options than when my mum was diagnosed all those years ago. I’m not saying he doesn’t have to take his condition seriously. He does. But there are more resources available to him.”

Harriet and Marius nod, a solemn atmosphere settling over the table.
