Page 103 of Saving Daddy

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“Hey, you try raising three boys and see what time you roll your tired ass into bed.”

A sense of sadness filled her. Kids just weren’t something she could imagine herself having.

“I don’t need children when I have three adorable nephews, anyway,” she said brightly. “And maybe more on the way?”

“Whoa. Don’t go putting that out into the universe. Livvy and I have got our hands full at the moment. Wyatt doesn’t just walk, he runs. Buster is a trouble magnet, and Ethan is . . . well, he’s an old man.”

She had to grin. “And you adore them all.”

“I sure do.”

“I love that you have them in your life, big brother. You deserve all the happiness.”

“And so do you,” he said seriously.

“Where are my keys?” she mumbled. “Wait, Hack had them.”

“He gave them to me.” Aidan held them up.

“Why didn’t he give them to me?”

“Because he knew I’d be driving.”


They walked to her car and stood, staring at it.

“This car shouldn’t have made it as far as it did. What were you thinking, Greer?”

“I was being spontaneous.”

He shook his head as they climbed into the car.

“Greer,” he groaned.


“Have you lived on junk food the entire trip?”

She glanced around. Oops. She probably should have cleared her car out before Hack drove in it.

“You know that I stress-eat.”

“Yeah, but when you stress-eat, do you have to choose junk food?”

“You can’t stress-eat carrots or celery sticks. It’s a rule. It has to be either filled with carbs, fat, or sugar.”

“You’re going to die of a heart attack or get diabetes, or your teeth will all rot.”

She rolled her eyes at his dramatics.

Damn, she’d missed his pessimistic ass.

“Is Cash going to be at your place when we get there?” she asked nervously.

Aidan grunted.

Great. She knew what that meant. It was a no, but he didn’t want to say it and disappoint her.
