Page 15 of Saving Daddy

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“What is it?” she asked.


Don’t look at her.

“What’s wrong? Has it started snowing? Is that why you’re looking out the window? Or is there someone behind me? Are they wearing a mask? Have they got a machete?”

His gaze instantly went to her. “What?”

“There is . . . isn’t there?” She gulped.

“Why would you think that there is someone standing behind you wearing a mask and holding a machete?”

“Just tell me there isn’t before I pee myself.”

“You need to go to the bathroom?” he asked.

“Dude, listen to what I am saying,” she begged.

Right. Idiot.

“There’s no one in a mask carrying a machete,” he reassured her.


“I promise.” He couldn’t believe they were actually having this conversation.

She slumped in her seat with a sigh. “Thank goodness. Because that would have been terrifying.”

“Have you been watching scary movies?” He couldn’t stop the stern look he gave her.

“Umm . . . maybe. It was all that was on last night. I swear. Okay . . . I won’t swear because that would be a lie. Of course it wasn’t the only thing on last night. But it was all I wanted to watch. Oh, shit! That’s not true, either. I know it was stupid. I was all by myself, and it was dark . . . it was the last thing I wanted to watch.”

“Then why did you?” he asked curiously.

“I don’t know, really.”

Except he thought that she might. But he wasn’t going to push her right now. Because she seemed so fragile. Her eyes had a haunted look that he really didn’t like.

“All right, Peaches. You don’t have to tell me.”

“Peaches?” She wrinkled her nose.

“Don’t like that nickname? Hmm, I suppose I can do better.”

“We’re at the nickname stage?” she asked.

“Well, we’re about to go and get a hotel room together . . . I thought a nickname might help break the ice.”

“Break the ice? I guess. Does that mean I get to give you a nickname too?”

“Sure. But Hack is my nickname. So, you could just call me that.”

“Do I want to know why?”

He shrugged. “I’m a surgeon.”

“A surgeon called Hack? That sounds like a terrible nickname for a surgeon to have.”
