Page 18 of Savage Hearts

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Troy comes into the room a moment later, and his eyes are all over me.

“You know,” he muses, palming his cock through his pants. “I do sometimes miss the way you used to fight back with everything you had. That was hot. But I’m pleased with your progress. You’ll be a good little wife in no time.”

Revulsion creeps through me, but I push it down, watching as he comes closer.

“Spread your legs,” he tells me, and I do it.

My heart rate picks up as my adrenaline kicks in, but I try to hide it, keeping my breathing even the way I’ve been practicing during the many long hours in the hatch.

And then Troy is right there, crawling up over me. He touches me as he moves up, grabbing my breasts roughly, tweaking the nipples. His eyes are dark as he looms above me, and he drops his head, ready to steal another kiss.

That’s when I move.

There’s an ugly lamp on the nightstand next to the bed, one I’ve been forced to stare at before, while Troy has been forcing himself on me. I grope for it now, grabbing it around the middle. It’s heavier than I expected, but I manage to swing it and smash it right into the side of Troy’s head.

He jerks sideways and then reels back with a startled grunt. “What the fuck?”

“Get the fuck off me,” I rasp, swinging for him again.

“You little bitch.” He throws his hands up, partially blocking the blow this time, his face blotchy with rage. “You must really like it down in that hole. If that’s the case, I’ll leave you down there until you can’t remember what light is.”

He lunges for my throat, his hands out, but I’m ready for him. I bring my legs up between us, using them to keep him from getting too close, and he grunts when my knee hits him in the stomach. I drop the lamp and try to roll out from under him, crawling away down the bed.

A hand closes around my ankle, tight as a vise, and I kick hard, but it won’t let go.

“No you don’t,” Troy spits. He starts trying to drag me back, hauling me in, and everything in me screams in protest.

No. No!

I have to get away now. This is my one chance. If I don’t escape on this attempt, he’ll never let his guard down again. He’ll keep me bound day and night, and he’ll make sure I pay for what I’ve done.

If he manages to get the upper hand, I’m done for.

My other foot is still free, and I lash out with it, catching Troy right between the legs. He grunts in pain, and I kick him again, hitting his bad arm this time.

That’s enough to get him to let me go, and I gasp for air, throwing myself off the bed and taking off running. I’m still completely naked, but I don’t have time to throw anything on. Every precious second counts, and I’ll need each one of them to try to find a way out of this house. I’ve only been in a few rooms, almost always accompanied by guards, so despite my best efforts to piece together the layout of the large space, I only have a vague idea of where the exits might be.

There are also at least four guards here somewhere, but Troy didn’t bring them with him when he came for me today. Still, I’m sure he’s already alerting them to my escape attempt. I need to get out before he can send them after me.

My heart is pounding in my chest, and I take the stairs so fast that I almost go tumbling down them, barely catching myself on the banister. I know the downstairs part of the house a little better than the upstairs, since this is where the dining room and the room with the hatch are.

When I reach the hallway at the bottom, I debate for a half second, torn between turning left or right. My hands shake with the overflow of adrenaline as I force myself to make a snap decision and turn left, racing down the corridor toward what I hope like hell is the front of the house—or even the back, as long as there’s a door that will let me out.

I turn at the end of the hallway, and a desperate sob tears from my lips as I see what looks like the front door.

Please, please, please.

The door looms ahead, and I put on a burst of speed, my entire body aching as I reach for the knob. It’s locked, and I scrabble at the deadbolt—

But before I can turn it, a furious roar sounds from behind me.


He tackles me sideways, knocking me away from the door and bringing me down to the floor in a heap.

“Going somewhere?” he pants, his artfully styled hair disheveled from our struggle. “You fucking wish. You’re mine now. I fuckingownyou, and I’ll keep you here for as long as I have to. There’s no way out, you little bitch.”

He’s clearly furious, his brown eyes snapping, his nails digging into my skin. He spits on my face and then punches me, making pain flare in my cheekbone. My vision goes blurry around the edges as he rises to his feet, looming over me. He grabs my legs and starts dragging me away from the door, my bare skin sliding painfully over the hardwood floor.

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