Page 37 of Savage Hearts

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It’s such a classic Vic response that I can’t help but laugh a little. “Of course I did. Don’t worry.”

We go back to watching the show, and the designer lady faces the camera, explaining the problem to the audience as if we didn’t just see it happen on the screen.

“The Hampton family thought they were saving money by having a friend from Joshua’s job come in and do their HVAC work for the last few years. But our team uncovered more problems than they were bargaining for once they went in.”

The shot cuts to a close up of mold, thick and dark, as well as termites in the wall.

“Gross,” I mutter. “They’re definitely not coming in under budget.”

Vic snorts. “They’ll be lucky if they’re not bankrupted by the end of this. They’re going to need a completely new HVAC system run through there because of the friend cutting corners, and the termite damage looks extensive.”

“Maybe they should have called you in instead.”

“Absolutely not.” Vic snorts under his breath. “Unlike Joshua’s friend, I know what my skills are. Home renovation is not one of them.”

In the end, he’s right. There’s a whole section of the episode where the Hamptons have to borrow more money from the wife’s family in order to complete the work. They lean heavily on the fact that they have a new baby, and of course in the end, the house is beautiful.

“Notice how they didn’t show them fixing any of the termite damage,” Vic comments. “Which opens up the question of if they even did or if they just slapped a new coat of paint on the walls and called it good enough.”

I laugh as the next show comes on, one where a husband and wife team come through and each try to convince the homeowners to go with their vision for renovating the house.

“This is one of the ones you like better, isn’t it?” Vic says, lifting an eyebrow as if wanting to confirm his guess.

“Yeah.” I grin. “I like when they change the house completely. It always starts as a regular old house at best and a total disaster at worst, and then it turns out so beautiful and bright in the end. And the couple always has such interesting ideas.”

We watch the show together, getting caught up in it as the homeowners, two men who are preparing to adopt their first child, give the hosts a tour of their house. It’s a beautiful ranch style place that seems to go on forever, and I sigh dreamily at the walk-in closets and the big, bright kitchen.

Vic laughs under his breath, and I shoot him a look. “What?”

“Nothing. It’s just nice to see you enjoying yourself. And thatisa very nice kitchen. Well organized.”

“Of course that’s what you’d notice,” I tease back, shaking my head. “There’s not even anything on the counters, so how do you know it’s organized?”

He nods at the screen. “The fact that there’s nothing on the counters. That means it’s all put away somewhere. Probably with a system that makes sense for pulling things out and keeping them in order. I bet they don’t have to worry about someone coming through and leaving chip bags all over the place.”

“Not until their new kid arrives, at least,” I add.

“Then it’ll be like living with Malice and Ransom,” Vic mutters, and I laugh.

“I’d really like a skylight in here somewhere,” one of the men on screen says, gesturing around their bedroom. “Natural light is incredibly healthy.”

Vic rolls his eyes. “Oh, yes. Just grab a sledge hammer and put a skylight in the bedroom. What a wonderful idea.”

“What’s wrong with a skylight?” I ask him.

“Nothing. But the attic is definitely above the bedroom.”

That makes me burst out laughing. It’s not surprising that Vic has memorized the layout of the house already, just from watching one quick tour of the place.

When they go into the kitchen, the other husband starts listing his plans for new appliances, and the two designers nod along and take notes.

“That’s the ugliest backsplash I have ever seen,” Vic says later, when one of the designers shows his mockup for the house. “It doesn’t match anything in that kitchen.”

“It kind of hurts my eyes to look at it,” I agree. “What would you do?”

“Something neutral,” he replies immediately. “That way if I wanted to repaint or get new appliances, it wouldn’t all have to be ripped out.”

“Sensible.” I smile, nestling deeper into the pillows.
