Page 46 of Savage Hearts

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I step forward, putting myself between her and Malice, poisonous words gathering at the tip of my tongue. But before I can say anything, there’s a commotion behind us.

I turn my head in time to see several cops making their way in, pushing their way past the guests and coming toward us. My pulse jumps, even though we were expecting this too.

Olivia must’ve called them. That’s who she was on the phone with.

The other guests have all abandoned their conversations and are watching as the police make their way across the rooftop. We have an audience now, and I can feel my pulse in my throat as my entire body prickles with nerves.

Olivia looks smug, lifting a hand to gesture them over to us as if they weren’t already headed our way.

“Did you call us out, Mrs. Stanton?” one of the officers asks.

She nods. “Yes, officer, I did. I believe there are warrants out for the arrests of all three of these men.” She gestures to them, her eyes glittering. “I just wanted to do my civic duty and inform you that they were here. And I didn’t know what they were planning to do, showing up at a party like this where they clearly don’t belong.”

The cops exchange looks and then glance at the three brothers.

“Names?” one of them asks the men, and all three of them give their names.

I watch in silence, doing my best to keep from grabbing them and making a mad dash for the elevator. We’ve been on the run for so long, and this is bringing up vivid memories of that night at the bar we went to, when Malice was nearly arrested and we only escaped because a fight broke out and gave us cover. The impulse to create some sort of diversion so that we can flee again is almost impossible to push down, but I do my best to school my features, not letting my fear show on my face.

“I’ll have to call it in, ma’am,” the cop who seems to be taking the lead says, glancing at Olivia.

“Whatever you have to do,” she replies with a fluttering wave of her hand.

At least they’re planning to check on the truth of her claim before they put cuffs on the guys. That’s something.

It’s a tense few minutes as one cop makes the call. A low buzz of murmured conversation springs up around us again, although I can still feel people cutting glances our way, curious about what’s going on.

Then, finally, the cop comes back over, reaffixing his radio to the belt at his waist.

“I’m sorry, ma’am. It seems there’s been some confusion,” he says, jerking his chin toward the brothers. “Therewasa warrant out for their arrest. But it’s been recalled.”

There’s no change at all in Olivia’s expression for two or three heartbeats as she processes that information. Then shock registers on her face, her jaw falling open.

I let out a breath, my lungs burning from holding it for too long.

That’s right, you fucking bitch. You don’t win this round.



Beside me,Willow lets out a short, barely audible breath. My shoulders relax a little at the confirmation that our plan worked. Judge Bailey came through on his promise and recalled the warrants Olivia set up for the three of us—and our blackmail material was definitely better than hers, or he probably would’ve tried to go to her to see if he could get her to sweeten whatever deal she offered him to sign off on the warrants in the first place.

“Was there anything else, ma’am?” one of the cops asks.

Now that it’s clear they were called out here for nothing, they only seem to be giving Olivia basic respect, based on who she is. She’s still gaping, her mouth hanging open just a little wider than is probably fitting for polite society, and I fucking love to see it.

A kind of savage satisfaction fills me as I watch her expression change. She no longer has the upper hand over us, and she’s finally realizing it. All that smug satisfaction she was exuding just a second ago is bleeding away, as if she’s finally realizing that Willow is a true force to be reckoned with.

Too bad for her she’s so slow on the uptake. My brothers and I have known that truth for a long fucking time, and we’re prepared to have Willow’s back for whatever comes next.

“Ma’am?” another cop prompts Olivia. “Was there any other reason we were called out? Do you have any charges to make against these men?”

He glances at us, and even though we’ve just been cleared, I can feel Malice stiffen beside me. It’s old habit for all of us, a natural distrust of cops and an instinct to be ready to fight at a moment’s notice if need be.

But right now, it’s not needed.

Olivia snaps her jaw shut, then shakes her head. “No. I suppose not. I’m very sorry to have wasted your time.”
