Page 75 of Savage Hearts

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I don’t want him to handle me like I’m fragile. Like I’m breakable.

I don’t want to feel breakable. I want to feel strong and powerful like I used to when he fucked me.

“No,” I say, an edge of frustration creeping into my voice. “I don’t want you to handle me gently like this. You once told me that you don’t fuck gentle. That you don’tdogentle. I want that. I want you to fuck me the way you used to.”


“Please, Malice. You don’t have to hold back. Please. Fuck me the way you did when you trusted that I could take it.”

Malice’s nostrils flare wide, his cheek muscles jumping as he clenches his jaw. He’s breathing hard, and his fingers grip my arm tightly. He seems to realize what he’s doing, and he jerks his hand back, curling his fingers into a fist instead. I can almost see the struggle in his eyes, the way he’s fighting with himself. His body clearly wants one thing, but he’s trying to convince himself of something else.

He’s holding himself back, restraining himself, almost like a leashed beast. Like one move could snap his self-imposed chains and let his most primal desires take over.

I lick my lips, my chest heaving as I hold his gaze.

“Please, Malice,” I whisper again. “I know you love me. I feel it every day. But I don’t need you to fuck me like you love me. I just need you to fuck me like youneedme. Like you’ll die if you don’t get inside me. Like nothing else exists right now except you and me.”

I can see the effect my words have on him, his entire body shuddering as his fists tighten even more, turning his knuckles white.

“Pick a word,” he says after a long moment, his voice gruff and strained.


“A word,” he bites out. “That’ll let me know if you need me to stop.”

Oh. I blink a few times, thinking it over. A thrill goes through me as I realize that this means he’s going to give me what I want—just with a simple precaution. And a safe word is a good idea. As much as I want this now, it will give me an escape if things change for me later.

It gives me the power, and that’s exactly what I need right now.

“Pineapple,” I say finally, not even sure where that word came from. It just popped into my head, and it’s not like it’s something I’d accidentally say while having sex, so it works.

Malice nods. “Pineapple. You have to use it. If you want me to stop, you have to use the word.”


“Promise me.” His eyes sear into me, full of heat and intention, and I swallow hard, nodding.

“I promise. I’ll use it.”

There’s something so sweet in the gesture. It’s such aMalicething, wanting to show he cares in his own way, even as he’s planning to let himself go, to be as rough with me as he wants.

But that’s what we both want right now, and my heart races as I watch his face.

It’s like I’m finally seeing the last of his control snap right in front of me.

There’s no more holding back, and when he reaches for me this time, he yanks me hard against his body.

I gasp, going eagerly, melting against him as he kisses me. This time, it isn’t a brush of his lips or a tease. This is all rabid heat and hunger. This is Malice kissing me like he wants to devour me. Like he’s about to consume me the way a wildfire consumes a forest, transforming me entirely with the force of his desire. His teeth snag my lower lip, biting down hard, and I taste the faint hint of blood between us as I gasp into his mouth.

“I would give you anything,” he mutters. “There’s not a single thing you could ask me for that I would deny you, Solnyshka.”

One of his hands fists my hair, making sparks scatter from my scalp all the way through my body. Then he jerks my head back hard enough to make me cry out before attacking my neck next. It’s as if all the need that he’s been holding back since he and his brothers saved me is finally pouring out, and he can’t stop himself.

He leaves a trail of biting kisses from under my jaw down to my shoulder, and I squirm against him, gasping for breath.

“Oh my god,” I moan, shifting, trying to find something to grind against. My body is humming as if it’s channeling a surge of electricity. As if the orgasms from moments ago were nothing more than an appetizer before the main course.

“Fuck,” Malice groans, his breath hot against my neck. “You’re impossible to resist. Can’t get enough of you.”
