Page 27 of Deadly Star

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Nova looked at Lily’s blush and Nebel’s calm expression. “Nice.” She grinned.

Heboren sighed. “The offer is suitable, but now, I feel a little cheap.”

Nova wrapped her arms around one of his. “Don’t worry; I will take it out of your hide.”

He looked at her and grinned. “I look forward to that.”

Nova looked at Lily. “Are you going to be good?”

Lily inhaled and exhaled slowly. “I think so. I may end up with body piercings, but I think I will be okay.”

Nebel pulled her in close. “I will take care of her. She will not come to injury at my hand again.” He turned to Heboren. “You will return when we have finished our negotiations? We need your authorization as you are acting as the bond house.”

Heboren nodded. “We will get Nova a meal; you know how to call me.”

Nebel chuckled. “Of course, little brother.”

Nova looked at Lily’s calm expression and her grip on Nebel’s hand. It looked like another Hmrain just beat the odds.

* * * *

Lily walked in and took a seat in the chair that Nova must have just vacated. Nebel brought up the basic contract and smiled. “You were right about the piercings. When your skin becomes impervious to puncture, it will make adding jewellery easier if you already have the piercings. One of the drones is bringing a kit. They will be flat and nearly invisible. You don’t need to worry about them being obvious if it is not currently your culture. It is mine.”

She looked at him. “But, you don’t...”

“It is very difficult to pierce my skin. It is astonishing that you managed to break me.”

“I was fighting for my life.”

“I know, and I am sorry. I am still very impressed though.” He smiled. “Now, what am I allowed to pierce versus what I want to pierce? First discussion.”

She leaned back with narrowed eyes. “What do you want to pierce?”

“Ears, nose, eyebrows, this little curve right here.” He tapped her upper lip. “Nipples, navel, and your sex.”

She blinked. “That’s a lot. Can I refuse?”

“Which are particularly distasteful for you?”

“Anything around my mouth. I knew folks with lip and tongue piercings, and it always... I never could imagine having one, let alone remembering how to talk with a tongue piercing.” She frowned. “Also, where exactly in my sex?”

“If you display it, I can point.”

“You want me to...” She paused. “Here?”

He shrugged. “It will help me to be precise.”

She sighed. “This is not a pointing kind of angle. More horizontal than vertical.”

“Then, sit on the edge of the table and show me.” He paused. “Please.”

“There is actually a lady in the bond group who did piercing for a living.” She moved around the table and blushed as she gathered the skirt up and out of the way.

“I shall have to consult with her as to appropriate locations and maximum sites,” he murmured as she sat on the edge of the table and parted her thighs.

He reached out with one finger and parted her folds. “Are you always this slick?”

She blushed. “Um, no. That is a recent development.”
