Page 28 of Deadly Star

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He slowly trailed the tip of his finger down and then up. “What is this?”

“Urine exit.”

He blinked. “Interesting placement. What about this?” His finger continued upward, and he flicked her clit.

Lily gasped and clenched her thighs around his hand. “Sensitive.”

He looked at her and smiled. “I will have to double-check the files of your species, but that is very promising. Can we pierce that?”

She blinked. “Uh, the hood, yes, the actual bundle of nerves... I would try and find a way to tear your dick off. That is a world of pain I cannot imagine.”

“Right. Clear boundary.”

There was a light knock on the door, and she flipped her skirt down and then released his hand. Nebel was chuckling. He licked his finger, and his brows lifted. “That is... are you in heat?”

She snorted. “It happens a lot. You get used to it.” She eased away from him and resumed her seat. He opened the door, and a drone flew in with a case in its grip. It hovered near Nebel, and he took the case.

The drone chirped and flew out of the room. Nebel closed the door, and they were alone again.

“I will ask that female about the lower piercing. You are willing?”

Lily paused. “I will find that piercing far less uncomfortable than anything in or around my mouth.”

“Interesting.” He nodded. “The funds will be held in trust for you, and upon completion of the stipulations, they will revert to you.”

“But there is a mention of an allowance.” She frowned. “Will that be deducted from the bond?”

“No, that is a price I pay to see you properly outfitted. The clothing that you will be wearing will be designed to fit each occasion. Then, there are the other adornments we were discussing. Also, if you wish any additions to your implants, they can be added as well.”

Lily looked at her hands. “Like what?”

He shrugged. “What do you want them to do?”

“Shoot lasers? I don’t know. Hey, can I get wings that I can put on? Functional ones?”

Nebel smiled. “I look forward to the design sessions with my engineers.”

Lily blinked. “Right. You are responsible for housing me. Maintaining me.”

“Of course.”

“And I am responsible for...”

“Maintaining me, so to speak.”

She blushed. “Right.”

“It is clearly outlined in the next paragraph.”

Lily read, and her face got hotter and hotter. It was certainly blunt. She was required to make herself available to her overseer at every waking moment. A rejection was not an option. She was making a blanket agreement to be available for sex for a century, and the price was enough to buy herself and any surviving Terrans a really nice home to live in while they tried to start over.

She looked at Nebel, all gold and lean. His golden feathers were neat and smooth. His hands could shape metal.

“Do you want anything else from me?” She looked at him. His eyes widened in surprise, and his brows rose.

“Many things, but I will pace myself. There is a record of my willingness to wait until you have completed your adaptation to me. I do not wish to injure you.” He smiled. “But we will play. Also, if you wish to have wings, we will set some additional piercings with filaments in place.”

