Page 30 of Deadly Star

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“Doesn’t that tempt kidnappers and such?”

He chuckled. “If they dared, which they wouldn’t, I would get you back, put you somewhere safe, and tear them limb from limb or have the drones do it.”

“Wait. Put me somewhere?”

“Oh, yes. While you have your obligations to carry out, my duty of care is to you, then the worlds I guide and guard.”

She kept her head pressed against him as she thought about those obligations. What she had signed up for was gradually sinking in, and she was really hoping that he wasn’t in a hurry. She had never rushed into anything in her life, but one global-killing disaster made one rethink things.

Chapter Seven

Nova looked down at Heboren as she sank onto him, nearly to the hilt. “How the hell is that possible?”

She lifted and sank again. Yeah, she could go nearly all the way down. That was fast.

Heboren chuckled. “I told you; it is the first thing the nanites do. They build you to accommodate me.”

“And it isn’t reversible.”

He caressed her hips. “No.”

She rose and fell on him at his desk. He said he wanted to think of her while he worked, so they were defiling his office chair.

She felt a whisper through her mind, and her breathing came faster. She continued to move on him, her head lolling back on her neck, and moans rippled through her as every nerve was warmed and caressed. It was like fucking in warm honey. She clenched her hands on his shoulders as she came. A low moan and deep shudders accompanied the waves of colour behind her eyes. His hands cupped her hips and waist. He pulled her to him as a splash of incredible heat filled her. He held her in place and nuzzled her neck with soft kisses keeping her busy while another jet followed the first.

When he let her come up for air, he chuckled. “Just a little more, and we won’t have to be so careful. So far, you are providing an incredible rush of energy.”

She swallowed. “Will it drain me?”

He laughed. “No, I am not consuming you; I am consuming your pleasure. It is generated by our efforts and exists only for a moment.” He stroked her back. “I have to be quick and keep my mind open.”

She smiled. He was right. She was fatigued, but it was the physical effort that had caused it, and a solid nap would help her recover. Maybe a snack.

Nova leaned in and kissed him softly. His mind skated through hers with the care of someone stroking a bunny.

They were still holding each other when there was a knock on the door. Heboren lifted is head. “Come in.”

The crewman stepped into the space, paused, blinked, and shook his head. “Overseer, we are approaching Hebor. What do you want us to do with the Terrans?”

Nova was stuck where she was, so she looked at the crewmember while keeping her body pressed to Heboren’s.

“Put them in a separate drop shuttle and take them to the bond house.”

“All of them?” The crewman looked at Nova.

She looked back. “I have an active bond contract.”

Heboren chuckled. “She does indeed.”

“Yes, Overseer. Congratulations.”

“I will be in my own shuttle in two hours and returning to the surface.”

“Yes, Overseer. We will make sure it is staffed and ready.” The man with canine features kept staring at Nova.

Heboren sighed and folded his wing up between them. It left Nova peeping at the crewman over the silky feathers.

She watched as the man straightened, flustered, bowed, and accepted Heboren’s dismissal.
