Page 31 of Deadly Star

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The Hmrain threaded his hand through her hair and pressed his forehead to hers. “I had not anticipated the reaction of the Hebor to your people.”

“I think it has to do with him being young and us being naked and still sweaty from sex.”

“And your mind is still warm and happy from your last release.” He chuckled. “I can see it was pretty much a perfect storm.”

“Right. So, shower and clothes?”

He laughed. “Soon.”

Nova looked into his eyes with the lazy stars moving inside. “Soon?”

He grinned, showing a lot of very pointy teeth. He lifted her hips from his, and she blushed at the slurping noise that sounded. Her body definitely reacted to his.

He kissed her, turned her, and draped her over his desk. When he used his thighs to widen hers, she understood a moment before he slid into her again. She grunted, and her nails clawed at the desk.

“What a pretty back, smooth muscles under the surface. You show every mark.” His hand drew across her back as the other gripped her hip while he slowly moved in and out.

He stroked the front wall of her sex with every move of his hips, and she was desperately clawing at the desk and whimpering.

“Ah, pet. Does this feel good?”

She groaned as he slowed his motions and shuddered as the slow drag of him set her off. She let out a sound that was part whine and a lot feline as her oversensitized flesh surrendered to the stroke. Tears sprang to her eyes, and she twisted under him. He slid back in, and she screamed and then went limp.

She heard soft laughter as he pulled out of her, kissed her temple, and carried her to the shower. He carefully cleaned her of sweat and fluids before drying her and setting her on the edge of the bed before he selected a dress for her that was in his colours but was more opaque than the one she had been wearing until he tore it down the centre.

Nova got dressed and cinched the wide belt under her breasts. She tried to stand under her own power and thudded to the bed again.

“Oh, pet. I suppose you will have to build up stamina.”

She looked up at him, and his fierce features were soft. He was practically glowing with energy. “You seem... different.”

He chuckled. “I have a proper bonded consort. I will get stronger with every coupling.”

“Stronger?” The thought was inconceivable.

“Indeed, and you will rise to meet me every step we take together. My body and yours will rise together.”

Nova blinked at him. “Wait. More?”

“Yes. You will undergo the same transformation that Lily is going through. Eventually. Your bones will increase in density, muscle attachments will increase, and skin will become more resistant to puncture.” He lifted her in his arms.

“Shoes. I need shoes. Please.”

He nodded. “Cultural importance?”

“My toes get cold.”

He chucked and set her back on the bed. She watched his wings sweep past her as he went to the wardrobe. He got some shoes and a bag and put a few dresses and slippers into it. She smiled when he slung it over his shoulder and brought her a pair of black slippers.

When she was properly shod, he picked her up again and pressed his forehead to her temple, breathing her in. “Now, we get to the shuttle, and then it is a leisurely fall to our home.”

“I thought the others were leaving in a few hours.”

“They are. We are leaving now. My ship is faster. You will be all settled in by the time your people arrive.”

She smiled, and he held her close as they left his quarters. He carried her through the ship and down to his shuttle. There was a crew waiting, who greeted them calmly. She was tucked into a smaller version of his bedroom and shown the jump seat she needed for landing.

Nova looked at him. “Can I see how the shuttle flies? I have my qualification.”
