Page 32 of Deadly Star

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“Ah, yes. I nearly forgot about that. Of course. This is where you go when you are tired. Do not overtire yourself no matter how exciting playing at the helm is. You will not like the results.” His expression was fierce.

Nova looked at his posture, the tense set of his neck and shoulders. He was serious.

“I will keep track of my fatigue. I will not allow it to interfere with our contract.”

“No,Iwill not allow it to interfere with our contract. You remember the other clause regarding access?”

She swallowed. “Yes, Overseer.”

“Good. As long as we understand each other, you may play with the helm controls.”

She walked up to him and smiled. “Which way do we go?”

He took her hand and led her out of his quarters. When they reached the control deck, they were already easing out of the warship.

The captain smiled, nodding to Heboren. “Welcome back, Overseer. We will be on the surface in five hours.”

“Excellent. This is my new bonded consort, Nova. She has pilot qualifications and is interested in taking control.” He smiled. “Oh, and she is the hub of theDeadly Star.”

Six pairs of eyes turned to stare at her. She curtsied. “Hello.”

The commander looked at Heboren. “You are sure?”

Heboren nodded. “I have seen her in action. And flying as well. She is competent to fly for a few minutes.”

The commander nodded, and relief crossed his feline features. “Lieutenant Lr’toth, please, surrender your station.”

Heboren looked down at Nova. “You may have a seat, sweet.”

A canine Hebor got to his feet and stood to one side. “Lady.”

She blushed as they watched her, but she focused on the seat, settled herself in the chair, brought up the analytics, the trajectory, and asked, “Commander, how soon did we want to arrive at Hebor?”

There was a chuckle behind her. “How soon can you get us there, lady?”

“Two hours and twenty-two minutes. But I am still a little iffy on re-entry and landings. I can get us there in an hour if everyone has their original teeth.”

The commander’s voice said, “Proceed, lady. We can always slow down when we get to Hebor, and the lieutenant can take over to bring us in.”

“Fine. I have the helm.” She slid her fingers along the controls and felt the electronic pulse in the floor of the ship. This was what she loved.

She hummed and moved her hands over the panel. She had a display that showed the unmarked vastness. Satellites, distance between planetary bodies, it all made for a pattern that led directly to Hebor.

Nova controlled the ship at high speed until she felt fatigued. Her arms ached, and she was blinking to keep focus. “Lieutenant Lr’toth?”

“Yes, lady?”

“Please, take over. I am fatigued, and I am not allowed to be.”

“Uh, I am not comfortable taking over a manual piloting.”

She sighed and hit the automated controls. The ship immediately cut active engines and began to glide. She had been building speed, but the ship stopped accelerating, and they were sliding through space.

“There. Automatic. Good?” She glanced up at him.

He nodded. “Thank you, lady.”

“It should just glide to Hebor. I will leave you to land this sucker.” She got to her feet, swayed, and then lifted.
