Page 58 of Deadly Star

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He laughed. “Yes, it is. Turn around, Lily. I have worked up an appetite.”

She smiled and moved to face him. He rearranged the folds of the knee-length wrap he was wearing, and her covering didn’t even need to be pushed aside. She was already slick enough to let him in, so she slid onto him and pressed her forehead to his chest. He thumbed her nipples and twisted the piercings. She gasped and slid onto him further.

He chuckled, she moaned, and they slowly started to move her over him, her wings and his flaring out for privacy.

* * * *

Nova looked over, blinked, and shook her head. “Wow. That is just... pretty.”

Heboren followed her gaze. “Yes, they are. Do you wish I was gold?”

She looked at him in astonishment and fed him how she felt with every image of his hands on her body that she remembered over the last six months. “I like you as you are.”

He grinned. “Good. I always thought Nebel was a little too flashy.”

“Oh, he definitely is. Shiny though. Lily seems to get along with him.”

“Enough about them. They are going to be busy for a while. Here. Step onto this personal transport and check the controls.”

Nova grinned and got onto her personal scooter which was part skateboard and part chariot. She went for a little jaunt, and Heboren followed closely. Over the afternoon, she tried all the other vehicles that he had ordered for her.

When she had set the small shuttle down, she smiled at her partner. “So, thanks for this. Being able to move around on my own is going to become more important as time passes here.” She slid a palm over the small bump that now had a strange black and gold etching around it.

“I can help you.” He put a hand over her belly, covering it from hip to hip.

She chuckled. “When I need help visiting the ladies, I will definitely ask for assistance. Their pregnancies are going a lot faster than mine.”

He snorted. “I would apologize, but watching your curve is delightful. I want it to continue as long as possible.”

Nova glared at him. “Remember that when all you get from my mind is fantasies about crushing your cock with a brick.”

He blinked slowly.

She pictured herself trying to get out of bed with swollen ankles. He countered with images of both of his hands fitting on her belly and the sensation of a back rub.

She grunted. “Fine, but the moment you slip up, I am getting a brick.”

He leaned in and wrinkled his nose. “I expect nothing less, but beware of unlocking a new type of play.”

Nova looked at him and then started laughing. He plucked her out of the scooter and carried her back to the pavilion where a tangle of gold wings had only drooped enough to show Lily slumped and relaxed on Nebel.

Heboren chuckled. “You are very lucky in your consort, brother. She emits quite the spectrum.”

“Yes, I am lucky. Would you like to know something amusing?”


Nova watched the Hmrain.

Nebel spoke with a huge grin. “Since she got pregnant, she gets hungry.”

Heboren paused and chuckled. “Nova has warned me that might happen later in the process. But not to this extent. Hungry, you say?”

Lily ducked her head.

Nebel chuckled. “It struck Lily when she passed her twelfth week. It has been a very entertaining gestation. She requires coupling. Frequently.”

Nova chuckled. “Before you get ideas, Heboren. All women are different. In my family, the women usually go bonkers later on. Well, that is if I follow the pattern.”
