Page 59 of Deadly Star

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Heboren squeezed her gently. “I am content with what you offer me, Nova. I was just commenting on Lily’s frequency. She broadcasts when she is with Nebel.”

“Oh, is that a problem?”

He chuckled. “As they are not planning on having apprentices with them, it should be fine.”

“Why would that make a difference?”

She got a series of rapid impressions and a wave of lust from him. “Oh. Sexy catnip.”

He chuckled. “Seeing the reference. Yes.”

“I am rather hoping that I will keep self-control as I progress.”

“I am hoping you won’t.” He pressed his head to hers.

She smiled and kissed him. “Keep hoping.”

Lily and Nebel had uncoupled, and Lily’s golden skin looked rather flushed. “Sorry about that.”

Nova grinned. “I have done far worse in front of a lot more. One gets used to it.”

Reeda spoke from a few feet away. “Yeah. It is interesting and fairly predictable.”

Heboren snorted. “I will have to try and be less predictable.”

He settled on a chair, and Nova beckoned to the server, who was waiting for the signal. The Hmrain might not need to eat, but she and Lily did. Reeda, too.

* * * *

Lily watched the performers, ate more than she should have, and gasped as Reeda performed a chain dance. She had seen something similar at ren faires when she had been home, but the crackle of energy at the end of the chain that was swung around gracefully was a deadly threat. Reeda handled it with style, and her leather costume made her look as primitive as the Terrans were out here. The population of nobility from both races were astonished as Reeda had been told that only their kind could manage the dance, so when the consort’s companion had started dancing four months ago, they had met her efforts with sneers until she picked up speed and threw the chain before twisting it around her to the heavy beat of traditional music.

Lily smiled as she leaned against Nebel. “That is very pretty. Do we leave after the performance?”

“We do. It has been interesting catching up, but we have a ten-day journey home, and I really prefer for you to be walking Bellen.”

“Jealous or paranoid?”

“Cautious. I like you at home. You are more relaxed there and can take to the skies with your entourage.”

She sighed. “That is probably true, but it was very nice to come along on the delivery trip. Thanks for that.”

“It was my pleasure. In your current state, I would never leave you unattended.”

Lily felt a blush on her face. “Right. Thanks for that as well. This particular situation is a little unexpected.”

He lifted her hand to his lips. “It is delightful. Thanks to the way you make me exhaust myself, I am enjoying restorative sleep. It is quite nice to see your expression when I wake and tease you from sleep.”

“It is a nice way to wake up, but I am still convinced you are going to wear that piercing out.” He always started in the same place, and after a few months, she had gotten used to waking up with his head between her thighs in the shelter of golden feathers. His wings were remarkably flexible.

He chuckled. “Your strength of form guarantees that nothing is going to wear out. I am confident.”

She smiled and applauded with the others for Reeda’s performance.

“Did you like seeing the others of your kind?”

“The girls? Yeah. I guess it was fine. My appearance freaked them out. Their bond mates smacked them when they expressed it. They were shocked by getting their butts paddled. So, a startling night all around for the girls.”

Nebel snorted. “It is a common enough means of non-damaging discipline. They will know to mind their tongues the next time we visit.”
