Page 60 of Deadly Star

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“Will there be a next time?”

“I am confident that any child born to Nova will have an urge for technology, and Heboren will encourage it.”

Lily smiled and stroked his cheek. “I think your child will run around with a data pad and stylus, designing new toys.”

“I look forward to seeing them.” His voice was a soft rumble.

She looked down at the barely noticeable curve of her abdomen. “Me, too. The researchers are already trying to guess the attributes that will emerge when he does.”

He paused. “It is male?”

“Yeah. I thought you were peeping in on all my scans.”

He ran a hand through his hair. “I had to run final engine tests during the last visit, and you said you were fine, so...”

She chuckled. “I was fine. But, for future reference, when I say fine, I meanI know something you don’t know.”

He pulled her onto his lap and whispered, “Male?”

“Male.” She held her fingers apart to indicate the current size. “This big right now and starting to develop his swimming pool.”

Nebel held her head and pressed his lips to hers. Lily had thought that making out was a thing of the past when her world ended, but it was a favourite occupation of her Hmrain, and she was happy to play along. Tongues met and slid. He kept an arm around her waist, and soon, she was rubbing her torso against his, and the piercings did what they were supposed to be and caused her body to heat up rapidly.

He lifted his head. “Want to head home?”

Lily nodded. “Let’s make our farewells and head back to the ship.”

He chuckled. “Yes. That seems like the best course of action.”

He got to his feet with her in his arms.

Nova was grinning as they approached. Lily smiled. “Sorry, we have to get going.”

Nova laughed. “You look like you are only clothed because of social convention.”

“That’s true. Self-control is in short supply right now.” Lily smiled. “Fortunately, I work from home now.”

Nebel chuckled. “And my precious Lily is a full-time job. Brother, I wish you a healthy consort and offspring.”

“And you as well, brother.” Heboren chuckled. “It seems we have both been fortunate. Very fortunate.”

Lily was leaning against Nebel’s chest. “Nova, I will try to find something nice for the baby.”

Nova grinned. “I will do the same. It was great to see you.”

“I agree.”

Nebel chuckled, walked away, bent, and launched them skyward. Lily had her wings tucked in tight, and as he flew them back to the ship, she remained cuddled up. The shuttle opened as they descended, and the drones came with them into the ship. Nebel helped her get the wings off and hung them on the charging plate.

While he was helping her, the shuttle lifted and pulled them up through the atmosphere. In their quarters, she pulled him on top of her and chuckled. “Thanks for taking care of me, Nebel.”

He groaned and pressed his head between her breasts. “I am not done taking care of you. Thank me later. Or rather, let me thank you.”

She laughed and felt her clothing released and removed. The ship rumbled and passed through layers of atmosphere with the careful motion of a vessel programmed not to shake the occupants.

Lily was going to enjoy the trip. It was her last time off Bellen before the baby showed himself. Their last time without endless calls and planning meetings for new projects.

In just over half a Terran year, they would be parents, and a renegotiation of her contract would have to be made. Nebel was already drafting it. She had seen the original document, and he was trying to extend it to two hundred years with no exit protocols. The price was the net profits of items sold by the Bellen trade commission for a decade or the financial equivalent.

She would have to warn him that he needed to account for more children. She wanted a big family. After all, she had all the time in the world.
