Page 74 of Malachi

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“But, from the moment I heard your voice, saw your face, I knew that for the first time in my life, I would have to break a promise I made. It didn’t help that pieces of her had been infused in your makeup. You’re like a mirror, Aeir. A reflection of all the things I loved about my wife and I’m not afraid to admit that I’m scared to start loving those things about you. But you make it so easy… so easy to fall on my fucking face for you. So easy.

“See, you’ve had it all wrong. I don’t hate you, not at all, Aeir. I’ve been hating myself for so long, I don’t know how to do nothing else. Your presence gave me a reason to hate myself a little more because I knew I’d sacrifice whatever to have a taste of you and not for a little while but for the rest of however long we had on this earth. I’ve been trapped for two years.

“The day you walked into my yard, I was freed. The thing is, I didn’t want my freedom. I didn’t deserve it. My lifestyle had cost my wife her life. I deserved to suffer until my dying day. You, though, you came here and made me reconsider. I didn’t like that, but I’ve never not liked you. I’m ready to make up for my mistakes, Aeir.

“That man you keep envisioning, I’m him. I can be him. I’m going to be him. I just need a little time and a little patience from you. These last few weeks been hell without you. I don’t want to live like that no more. I don’t want to live like this. I want you and I want whatever comes with you. I just need a chance to prove it.

“Can I have that? I know it’s asking for a bit much after all that I’ve put you through in this short amount of time, but when I tell you I’m worth it… I really mean it. I can make you smile, Aeir. Not just every other day, but every day. All day. I can do that.

“Just tell me I can. Just tell me all is forgiven, and we can start fresh right here, right now. Just tell me.Unbreak my heart, Aeir. Only you have the power to. Just tell me you will.”

“Aussie,” I choked out. “Aussie. Her name is Aussie.”

His features contorted. The pain that he felt radiated, sticking to my skin and pulling me deeper into his fold.

“You remembered?” He groaned.

His chest fell before rising again as he inhaled and exhaled dramatically.

“I remembered,” I confirmed, nodding my head and swiping the tears away with the back of my hand.

He obliterated the distance that kept us apart, meshing our worlds and our hearts simultaneously. His hands conquered the length of my neck, ending at my cheeks. His lips grazed mine before his tongue exited his mouth and seized mine. I took him in, all of him, expressing my sentiments through a passion-filled battle of our tongues.

“Tell me,” he begged, lifting me onto the counter.

Stopping his quest wasn’t in my interest this round. I allowed him to spread my legs and step between them.

“Tell me.”

He pushed the waistline of his pants down and brought me to the edge of the counter. I marveled at his skill, never taking my eyes off him as he spat into his hand and lubricated the tip of his massiveness before looking up at me.

“Tell me, Aeir.”

In a haste, he entered me. My head fell backward, giving him unrestricted access to my neck. He hurt me so good. His right hand on my breast brought my pain to the forefront.

“Ahhhhh,” I winced.

“Tell me,” he demanded, stroking me while scooping my small breast into his mouth.

“Gentle,” I requested. “My period is coming.”

With his free hand, he gripped my neck and squeezed it gently before bringing his mouth to my ear. I waited impatiently for the moans and groans that I found uber sexy. They made me cream on his rod, bringing me ultimate pleasure.

“It’s not coming, Aeir,” he claimed, leaving me muddled. Disoriented from the strokes he was laying on me, I could hardly think straight. Everything was blurred, even my thoughts.

“Malachi,” I wailed, feeling my first wave hit like a sack of bricks.

“Tell me you’ll unbreak my shit. Tell me you’ll let me make you the happiest fucking woman on this earth. Tell me you’ll let me love you to the motherfucking moon and back. Tell me, Aeir.”

His stroke deepened, pulling every ounce of fluid trapped within me. He wrung me out. The sound of my love filled the air and proved just how good he was, just how skilled he was, and just how gone he had me.

“I will.” Whimpering, I finally crumpled as my orgasm slammed against my center while Malachi nailed me to the counter.


He stiffened, tightening his grip on my neck as he released his seeds inside of me. It wasn’t until that moment that his words from earlier made perfect sense.

It’s not coming, Aeir.
