Page 11 of Inevitable

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“You are correct. Childcare is not a problem for me. My son will be staying at home with my mama.”

“Good. I would rather there not be any disruptions on campus. I know there is a lot of interest in your family right now. Can you assure me that the press will not be a problem?” he says. I can see in his eyes he doesn’t want this and neither do I, but it’s not something I can promise.

“Unfortunately, I can’t promise they won’t be a problem. As of right now, no one knows I am coming back to school apart from my family and now you. I cannot control other students and whether they talk to the tabloids, but I can assure you, I will be as inconspicuous as I can be. I don’t want the intrusion of the press, just like you, and will do everything in my power to try not to court any attention. I just want to finish school and get my diploma. I have no interest in drama.”

“That may be so, but like I said, you are a high-profile student, and it comes with the territory. You can finish out school on campus, but if there is any trouble, then we will need to reevaluate things,” he says coolly with no room for negotiation.

I grit my teeth. I understand where he is coming from, but Jesus, it’s not my fault my family is famous. “I will do my best to be discreet, Dean Goldstein.” I push out of my chair. “Thank you for seeing me and allowing me this opportunity.”

He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “I will see you back on campus next semester, Aria.”

I nod and make my way to the door. Pulling it open, I step outside to find Edward sitting in the same position, scrolling through his cell. His head snaps up when I move toward him. “I am just going to use the restroom, and then we can go.” He moves to stand up, but I stop him. “Wait here. It’s just down the hall.”

He sighs but does as I say. Edward would follow me right outside if I allowed him to. I shake my head at his protectiveness and pad down the empty hall to the bathroom. Inside, I make quick work of going for a pee, pausing when I hear the door open and footsteps move inside. Did Edward follow me? Most likely. I roll my eyes. Wiping, up, I flush the toilet, open the door, and step outside. Glancing around, I frown when I don’t see anyone. Huh. Weird. Moving to the basins, I wash my hands, only to startle when I see movement in the mirror. My head snaps up, my mouth turns slack, and my heart rate kicks up at the face that stares back at me.

Spinning around, I stare at the one person I thought I would never see again.

He smirks as his gaze rakes over me from head to toe. “Hello, princess. Did you miss me?”




Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I pull at my hair with my free hand in frustration as I stare at the message on my cell.

Unknown number: Come to the below location if you want your girl back. Don’t try anything stupid Xander if you don’t want us to hurt her.

Below is a pin drop of a location around thirty minutes away from The Maxwells’ compound.

Thalia, my princess’s sister, has been taken, but as I stare at the message, it’s clear that they took the wrong girl. They were supposed to take Aria. By using my birth name, I know without a doubt this has something to do with my father.

“Bishop, did you hear me?”

My head snaps up, eyes landing on Micah, one of the other guards. “Huh?”

He stares at me in disbelief, no doubt that I wasn’t listening. “Get your head in the game,” he growls. “We are heading out to comb the area of the accident. Greg has been taken to the hospital. We need men on the scene to assist the police.”

I nod. “Sure.” But I have no intention of following his orders. I know where Thalia is. The cell in my hand almost feels like it’s burning me.

He shakes his head at me in exasperation and disappears, no doubt to round up some more guys. Snapping into gear, I pull up the Uber app to order a ride. Then, I grab a rucksack, throwing in clothes and my passport before I sneak out the back door and across the expansive gardens, only stepping in the areas I know are not covered by cameras. I freeze when I spot the window of Aria’s bedroom, emotion clogging my throat. I want to go to my princess, tell her that everything will be okay. Tell her that I love her, and I will come back for her. But I can’t make that promise. I know my father. If he wants me, then there is a reason for it, and I can’t imagine it’s a good one.

With one last look at her window, I make my way to the outline of the property where I scale the fence. It’s quiet on the other side. The only sound is the engine of my Uber idling by the sidewalk. I hop inside, and then I am on my way to save Thalia.

But in doing that, I know I am sacrificing myself and my relationship with my princess. I know how much her sister means to her, though. And if trading me for Thalia is what it takes to get her back to her family, then I will.

I am sure Aria will get over losing me, but she will never get over losing her sister.

“Hello, princess. Did you miss me?” My voice is cool, cold, but inside, my heart is racing. The woman that I love. The woman that I have dreamed about. The woman that I never thought I would see again. She is standing right in front of me.

When the notification about Aria came through to my cell, the first thing I did was book a flight to New York with Ryker, telling my father it was for a business meeting that could prove lucrative for me and my friend if all went well. He didn’t ask questions, which suited me, but I am under no illusion that he will not have men on me while I am here.

Ryker and I followed Aria to her school, but before we made it there, we pulled up outside a restaurant right next door. A restaurant I am well acquainted with and know full well they have access to the campus through a backdoor. If anyone was watching me, they wouldn’t know I left as we requested the private room in the back. I left discreetly while Ryker stayed inside to work. I will return once I get the answers I am looking for.

She straightens as fire ignites in her eyes. This is the Aria I remember, the spitfire who takes no shit. “What the hell are you doing here?” she snaps.
