Page 29 of Inevitable

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“Are you sick?” I ask my princess when she answers my video call. She is deathly pale with black bags under her eyes and lying in her bed. I spoke to her not twenty-four hours ago, and she seemed fine. It’s been nearly two weeks since Baron’s birthday. I miss them more with every day that passes.

Aria sniffs. “Yeah. I have the flu,” she croaks out.

My heart rate kicks up, and I hate that I am not there with her, comforting her, bringing her chicken soup and any medication she may need. “Why didn’t you tell me? Is Baron okay?”

She coughs. “He’s a bit grizzly, but my mama is looking after him. I am trying to stay away so I don’t pass anything on to him. Christmas is in five days, and I want to be better. I don’t want to be sick for the first Christmas that Baron will be aware of what’s happening. I don’t want him to get sick either.” Tears fill her eyes, and she chokes on a sob.

My chest tightens, and I want to kill my father for preventing me from being with them. “Don’t cry, princess. Everything will be okay,” I try to placate her.

Her sobs stop, and she looks at me, her eyes narrowing. “That’s easy for you to say, Bishop. You are in Vegas doing God knows what with God knows who. You have no idea what it’s like being a single parent, sick, and not being able to take care of your son.”

Her words cut right through me, but I take them. She is emotional and trying to channel her anger to any outlet. Unfortunately, right now, it’s me. I sigh. “Baby, please calm down.”

“Don’t call me that. I am not your baby,” she snaps, then coughs.

I love her feistiness. It makes my dick so fucking hard. Not that I will admit that right now. I shift to ease my aching cock and then try a different angle. “You will get better, and you are going to have an amazing day with our son. I wish more than anything I could be there with you both, and it kills me that I can’t. But next year will be different. We will be a family in our own place, and Baron will be even more aware of the magic of Christmas. I will take your anger because it is justified right now. I let you down. Again. But as I keep telling you, it’s for your own protection, and that is more important to me than anything right now. If it means staying away for now to keep you safe, then I will sacrifice that. For you. For Baron,” I enunciate the last words, hoping she hears the sincerity in them.

Her eyes soften, turning glassy once more. She looks away before her gaze comes back to me. “I’m sorry. I just feel so helpless right now.”

I nod in understanding. “It’s okay, baby. Now, is there any chance I can see my son?”

She sighs, cuddling up on her pillow. “Of course. I will send my mama your cell number and get her to call you. Everyone is staying away. I am quarantined in my bedroom until I am well enough to be around my family. Thalia gets into town in a couple of days, and I was hoping by then I will be well enough to go through with our plans of seeing a show, taking Baron around the city to see the holiday displays, and seeing Santa.”

“You will, princess. Just keep resting, take your medication, and drink plenty of water.”

“Okay, Doctor Bishop.” She chuckles, and the noise is music to my ears.

“Good girl. I will wait for your mother's call and speak to you tomorrow to check in. You look beat, so get some rest and drink plenty of fluids.”

She rolls her eyes, but I don’t miss the smile tugging at her lips. “Bye, Bishop.”

“Bye, princess.” I end the call, even though I could talk to her forever.

Sighing, I lounge back in the large Chesterfield chair that sits in my bedroom in my father’s mansion and wait for Elena Maxwell to call me. My mind drifts to Aria and Baron like it always does. I want to be there for Aria right now. Holding her while she is sick. My heart breaks that I can’t be. And now, I am angry. I want nothing more than to wrap my hands around my father’s throat and choke him to death. I know my princess has a good family around her, but it should be me tending to her needs, looking after our son while she recovers. I don’t know how long I stew over this, but my cell ringing drags me out of my reverie.

Grabbing it off my lap, the screen flashes with an unknown number, requesting a video call. I smile, answering quickly, knowing full well it will be Elena. Sure enough, Aria’s mama’s face appears along with Baron, who is in her arms as she sits on the couch in their lounge.

“Hi, Bishop,” she greets.

I smile. “Hey, thank you for doing this.”

“You don’t have to thank me.” She glances down at my son with a look of love and adoration. “Who is that Baron? Is that Daddy?”

My son’s eyes light up, and he squeals. “Hey, buddy. I swear you get bigger every time I talk to you.” I know that isn’t possible, but I swear he changes in the hours that I don’t see him.

“He is.” She turns to my son. “And you are being so good for Nonna while your mama recovers from being sick, aren’t you?” Elena coos the question, knowing full well Baron will not answer.

“I am worried about her. She looked really sick just now,” I say.

Elena’s lips curve into a grin. “She has the flu, Bishop. She will be okay; she just needs to rest and stop worrying. I think the…stress of everything has taken its toll, and she is run down, making her more susceptible to sickness. And plus, it’s flu season.” I know what she is not saying. It’s the stress of me coming back into her life.

I blow out a breath. “I would be there if I could, Elena.”

“I know. I said as much to Aria.” She sighs. “I am trusting you, Bishop, putting faith in you. Don’t hurt my daughter again. And don’t hurt my grandson.”

I grin. “I won’t. Things are just not as straightforward as Aria wants them to be. I am trying to change that, though.”
