Page 30 of Inevitable

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She nods. “You do that.”

After that, I spend around ten minutes having a one-sided conversation with Baron as Elena looks on. When I have said my goodbyes, I end the call and pull up my browser. Typing in the page I want, I order my princess a box of her favorite pastries to be delivered tomorrow. I know they are her favorite because it’s a place we used to visit often when I worked for the Maxwells. Once I have done that, I search the web to find anywhere in New York that will deliver a basket full of everything anyone would ever need to recover from flu. Tylenol Cold and Flu, Nyquil, Sambucol elderberry herbal tablets, vitamin c, and VapoRub. Once I find just what I am looking for and have placed the order, I drop my cell beside me and lean back in my chair with a smile.

I may not be able to be there, but at least my princess will know I am thinking about her.



I have finally recovered from what can only be described as the worst flu ever.

Two days after my call with Bishop, I can function like a normal human being. I can look after my son. It may have to do with the care package Bishop sent me, not that I will admit that to him. I can honestly say it was one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me. That and the delivery of my favorite pastries.

I am in Baron’s room, getting him dressed for a day of fun in the city with my sister and Theo, when a knock on the door sounds. Glancing over my shoulder, I smile when I see my dad.

“Hey, sweetheart. You look much better.”

I nod. “I feel it too. I am just glad I didn’t pass it on to anyone else.”

He chuckles. “Don’t speak too soon. There is still time for one of us to get it.”

Pulling on Baron’s little Christmas jumper, I pick him up off the changing mat to get a better look at his outfit. A wide smile curves my lips. “You look adorable, bambino mio.” Instead of looking at me, his gaze goes to my father behind me, and he starts babbling.

“There’s my boy.” Papa reaches out to take him from me, and I hand him over easily. Baron loves my parents as much as they love him.

I smile as I watch them together. “Are you okay to watch him while I get dressed?”

“Of course. Come on, bam bam. Let’s go find Nonna, your auntie, and Theo,” He grumbles the last name before exiting the room. I shake my head, chuckling to myself. As much as my father supports my sister, I don’t think he will ever fully accept that Thalia chose a man twelve years her senior. She is his little girl and always will be.

Heading to my room, I make quick work of getting dressed in my own holiday knit jumper, a pair of skinny jeans, and some comfortable, flat, ankle boots. Our plans today include the Rockefeller Center, the holiday market at Bryant Park, the Christmas party at the baby group I attend with Baron, seeing Santa in Macy’s, and then the holiday displays when the sun starts to set. It will be a long day and somewhat different from Thalia’s and my normal holiday traditions, but I can’t wait to make new ones with my son.

I pause as a wave of sadness washes over me. I wish Bishop was here. I wish he was making memories with us. Shaking the thought away before I let it consume me, I grab my purse and make my way through the apartment to the kitchen, where I hear voices and laughter. Rounding the door, I find my family sitting around the counter talking. Thalia holds Baron as she makes funny faces at him. He giggles, the sound hitting me right in the chest. I may not have Bishop here today, but I have my family. And they love me and my little man unconditionally.

“You look good with a baby, little sis.” Her gaze snaps to me, and I wink at her. She knows I am teasing her because Theo is desperate for children, whereas she wants to wait.

She opens her mouth to respond, but my father beats her to it. “Your sister is too young for all that. And anyway, she is focusing on her career.” He shoots Theo adon’t-you-even-think-about-itlook. I stifle a laugh and make my way toward them.

“Christian, I’m going to give you heads up because…” He trails off with a frown. “Well, I don’t know why exactly, but just know that as soon as we are married, we will be trying to get pregnant.”

My father winces, and everyone goes quiet, waiting for his reply. Dad’s gaze goes from a wide-eyed Thalia back to a smirking Theo. He points a finger at the latter. “I knew I should have kept you away from my little girl. And Idefinitelyshould not have given you my blessing to marry her.”

Laughter breaks out, and Mama pulls him in for a kiss. It’s her way of calming him down and probably removing the image of Theo and my sister making babies from his brain. “Right. Now that that is settled, is everyone ready to go?” I look between my sister and her man.

“Yeah. Let’s go. It’s already past ten and we have so much to do.” Her voice goes childlike on the last words as she tickles Baron.

Theo jumps out of his seat, and I move to grab my son from Thalia. Dropping a kiss to my mama, then my papa’s cheek, I make my way to the hall where Baron’s stroller sits, placing him inside before buckling him in. Grabbing my coat out of the hall closet, I shrug it on as my sister and Theo appear. Beaming at them, I open the door and say, “Edward and Greg are waiting in the lobby.”

Then, we are on our way for a day of holiday fun.

* * *

“I am exhausted,” I say on a yawn as we make our way inside our apartment.

Thalia chuckles, glancing down at a sleeping Baron. “So is little man. I think all the excitement took it out of him.”

Theo wraps his arms around my sister and buries his face in her neck. “I can’t wait until we have our own little one to do these things with.”

Thalia snorts. “You are not going to let that one go, are you?”
