Page 32 of Inevitable

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Christmas came and went.

The whole Maxwell family and Theo spent the holiday at my parents' Hamptons house. Even my now-single brother joined us for the whole five days. It was bliss, although I couldn’t help feeling a little sadness about Bishop not being there. We spent time on video calls, but it wasn’t the same. Baron was spoiled and received far too many gifts, considering it was his birthday not too long ago.

We are back in the city now, and it’s two days until New Year’s Eve. Bishop is coming into town late tomorrow night, and I hate to admit that I am excited to see him. We have made plans to spend time together with Baron, and then to ring in the New Year, we are going to a club together. It’s the hottest club in New York right now and is owned by my brother and two of his best friends. Parker included—much to Theo’s annoyance.

Thalia, Theo, and my brother will be joining us, and my parents have offered to have Baron for the evening. To say I am excited to go out is an understatement. I haven’t had a good night out in forever, and although I love my son more than anything, it will be good to have a couple of drinks and dance.

I lay in my bed, Baron asleep between my legs, exhausted after our walk around the park. Scrolling through social media on my cell, I hit the button on a couple of friends’ posts and then watch a couple of videos. I am just about to close out of Instagram and pull up my Kindle app when something catches my eye. My stomach drops, and I think I am going to be sick.

It’s an engagement announcement on a tabloid’s social media accounts. I blink, then blink again just to make sure I am seeing things clearly. Yep. Still there. Bishop and some blonde girl, smiling at a camera as they sit at a table surrounded by people, food, and holiday decor. Although Bishop’s smile looks tight, it’s still there. Pain explodes inside of me as my eyes move over the words.

Vegas businessman and multimillionaire, Calvin Hastings, announces his son’s engagement to Parkes heiress.

Hearts all around the world will be breaking right now. Xander Hastings is off the market! Last night, I was invited to report on the famous Hastings holiday party. Imagine my surprise when it turned out to not only be the annual Christmas event but also Xander and Stacey’s engagement party.

Only hours into the festivities, Calvin took the stage to make the announcement. I wasn’t the only one surprised at the news. In a ballroom filled with senators, movie stars, models, and prominent businessmen and women all having fun and enjoying the annual bash the talk of the evening was the couples’ upcoming nuptials.

It’s no secret that Xander is Calvin’s illegitimate son and came into the picture when his brother was murdered last year. Speaking to Mr. Hastings, he admitted to his sadness at the loss of his eldest son, Emmett, but divulged his joy at being able to form a proper relationship with Xander after so many years of being apart. Commenting on the engagement, he said how wonderful it is and how excited he is for Miss Parkes to join their family and hopefully give him grandchildren.

Xander wasn’t as forthcoming with talking to me, and when I asked for his comments on the surprising events, he gave no answer and left the party soon after.

Tears blur my eyes, and I can’t read anymore. Dropping my cell on the nightstand, I maneuver a still-sleeping Baron to the middle of the bed, surround him with pillows and then rush to the bathroom where I throw up.

When I can’t vomit anymore, I sit up and lean against the bathtub as tears stream down my face. How could he do this to me? To our son? Bishop or Xander or whatever the hell his name is, is fucking engaged. That must be why he couldn’t spend Christmas with us.

Swiping the tears from my face, I feel the walls that were slowly breaking down around my heart erect once again. I am so stupid. I let him hurt me once, and I promised to never let it happen again.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.

I will not be made a fool of a third time.




Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

My hand clenches around my cell so hard, I am surprised it doesn’t break. I have tried to call Aria… a lot. Shit. Okay. My call log is in the hundreds. Yet, she still doesn’t answer. My princess has seen that stupid article. It was confirmed when I called Elena. The disappointment in her voice hit me deep inside. I explained it wasn’t what it implied. I don’t know whether she believed me or not. All I know is I fucked up everything. Again.

I should have listened to Ryker and told Aria everything. Hindsight is a funny thing. If only I could rewind time. Well, if I could do that, I would go back to where my stupid brother got himself killed and make sure he lived so I wasn’t put in this position.

Anger floods my veins as I think of the person who is responsible for this shit show. Pushing my cell into my jeans pocket, I stalk out of my room and head in the direction ofCalvin’soffice. Striding down the hallway, I hear his voice as I get closer. Not giving one fuck whether he is on the phone or with a guest, I burst through his door. He has the phone to his ear, his eyes narrowing in on me when I step inside.

“Can I call you back, Spencer? I was just rudely interrupted by my son.” He is pissed. Good. So the fuck am I. Ending the call, he leans back in his chair nonchalantly and sighs like I am an inconvenience. “What is so important that it couldn’t wait? How dare you just barge into my office and interrupt a crucial business call, Xander?”

It’s my turn to narrow my eyes at him. My jaw clenches, and my fists ball at my sides. I wish I could smack that smug look off his face. “What the fuck is that article?” I growl.

He smirks, and I have never wanted to hurt someone more than I do in this moment. “I thought it was time for the world to know about your impending wedding son. A friend of mine at the paper owed me a favor. I called it in to announce your engagement.”

“Get it retracted.”

He studies me, his hands threaded together like a bad movie villain. “No. Why would I do that? Stacey is your fiancée, and this marriage will happen, whether you like it or not.”

I step toward him, my anger spiking so high, I am surprised I haven’t killed the fucker yet. “Are you hard of hearing? Retract. It,” I enunciate for him. “I am not ready for this to be public knowledge.”
