Page 31 of Inevitable

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“Nope.” His hands cup her stomach, and my cheeks warm as their intimacy turns palpable. “I will not stop until your belly is round with my child.”

Thalia’s cheeks turn pink, and her eyes dart to me. I know she sees the sadness in my eyes when a look of pity crosses her face. I am not sad about the possibility of my sister having a baby; I am just nostalgic. I wish more than anything, Bishop had stuck around to cradle my pregnant stomach. To whisper in my ear his love for me. I jerk my thumb toward Baron’s room. “I’m going to go and get him washed up and put to bed.”

Thalia smiles. “Can I help?”

“Of course. Get the practice in, right?” I tease, shooting a wink at Theo.

He pats her ass. “You do that, piccola. By the time our baby comes along, you will be a professional.” He returns my wink with a smirk before sauntering toward the kitchen.

My sister shakes her head and sighs. “Why do you have to encourage him? He is already obsessed with getting me pregnant.”

I laugh. “It’s going to happen, Thalia. May as well get used to the idea.”

Crouching, I unbuckle Baron from his stroller and gently lift him. I don’t want to wake him, but I need to for his bath. He stirs as I carry him down the hall, and when his eyes blink open, all sleepy and cute, my chest tightens. I love him so much. Despite the circumstances and what happened with his father, my son is the best thing to ever happen to me.

Pushing open the door to his bedroom, I pad inside and turn to my sister, who is trailing behind me. “Can you go run a small bath for him while I get him out of his clothes?” She nods and makes her way to the attached bathroom. “It needs to be warm. Not too hot,” I add as she disappears inside.

“I may not know what I am doing when it comes to babies, Aria, but I am neither going to burn my nephew with boiling water or freeze him with cold,” she sing-songs back.

I laugh, placing Baron on the changing mat. “Auntie is silly, isn’t she?” My son blinks up at me a sleepy smile taking over his face. I wait for his usual crying when he is woken up, but they never come. He seems to be in a happy mood. My cell ringing makes us both startle. Grabbing it from my jeans pocket, I’m not surprised to see Bishop’s name flash on the screen with an incoming video call. Holding Baron with one hand, I swipe it to answer with the other.

“Hey,” I greet with a smile.

“Hey, princess. You look well.” His smile is wide.

“I feel better. Thank you again for the care package,” I say timidly. I don’t know why. I have never been shy around Bishop. Not even when it came to our adventurous sex life.

“No need for thanks. I wanted to do it. I should have been there for you,” he murmurs, and I see the guilt in his eyes.

“We had the best day,” I say, changing the subject.

“Yeah? Tell me about that.”

Scooping our son up, I sit in the rocking chair, so he can see us both. “Hey, buddy.” He grins at our son. Baron’s eyes go wide, and he makes grabby hands at the screen.

Thalia comes out of the bathroom, standing behind us. She bends to look at the screen. “Hey, Bishop.”

His eyes go over my shoulder to my sister. “Hey, Thalia. Are you happy to be back in New York for the holidays?”

I see my sister’s face beam on the screen. “I am. I have seen pictures of our house in the Hamptons. Mama has gone all out this year. It literally looks like Santa’s grotto.”

My heart flips when I watch Bishop’s face fall, and then I remember it’s his choice not to be here with us. He clears his throat. “I’m sorry that I will miss it.” His eyes come to me. “But I am sure Aria will get plenty of pictures, and we can video call, can’t we, buddy?”

“Of course, we will video call.” I glance at Baron. “You will want to see your daddy on Christmas day, won’t you?” I bounce him on my knee, and he squeals gleefully.

Bishop chuckles, his finger running down his screen as if he can touch Baron through the phone. “So, tell me about your day.”

Holding our son in my arms, I give Bishop a rundown of all we did today. By the time I have finished, Baron starts crying, and Bishop’s face is a mixture of wistfulness and sorrow. I know I have been hard on him about being there for Baron, but watching him now, I want to reassure him. I do believe him when he says he is doing it for our safety. I just wish things could be different. And from the look on his face, so does he.

“I better go. I need to get him bathed, changed, and fed.” I push to a stand as I try to soothe my crying son.

“Okay, princess. I wish I was there to help you.” He blows out a breath and runs a palm down his face. “I will be soon. Bye, little man. Daddy loves you.” Bishop’s gaze moves to me. “I will talk to you tomorrow. Bye, baby girl.”

I swallow over the ball of emotion in my throat. “Bye, Bishop.” I end the call and make my way to the bathroom. Once inside, I throw my cell on the counter and pass Baron to my sister, who is still waiting patiently to bathe him. I smile as I watch her. Thalia may be hesitant to have children, but she is a natural and will make a good mom.

Leaving them to it, I pop back into the bedroom, where I set out a sleepsuit and wait for bath time to be over.

* * *
