Page 38 of Inevitable

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Before I can stop myself, my hand wraps around her delicate throat. Her eyes gleam, flashing with lust. My princess likes it when I get rough. “You do that, and I will kill him. Do you want his blood on your hands, baby?” My voice is soft despite the rage I feel at her saying she is going to date another man. She swallows. “Thought not. Now be a good girl and stop trying to bait me. You will lose. There are no lengths I will not go to keep you as mine.” I press a kiss to her plump lips. “Now, let’s go.” Releasing her throat, I grab her hand and pull her to the door, out into the hall, and to the elevator. We descend to the lobby in silence, but I feel her eyes burning a hole in the side of my head. I want to fuck the insubordination out of her, remind her who owns her body and her pussy. That can wait though. First, we need to get back to Baron.

The elevator comes to a stop, the doors dinging, then opening seconds later. Aria steps out, striding across the marble floors. Before she reaches the sliding doors, I grab her hand and pull her into me. Her eyebrows furrow as she stares up at me. It’s my bodyguard instincts kicking in. You can never be too sure who is hanging around. There is also still the issue of my father, and who knows what he will do to keep me in line. “You have no security with you, princess. You can’t just stroll around the streets on your own.”

Her eyes soften, her palm landing on my chest. “You said the car is waiting, and anyway, I have you to protect me if anyone decides to grab me.” She grins. “I should have brought Edward with me last night; he would never have let me go home with you.”

Leaning down, I kiss her forehead. “Baby, no one would have stopped me having you last night.”

She rolls her eyes. “Edward is on strict instructions not to let me do anything stupid. Me sleeping with you is stupid.”

I sigh. “We have already discussed this upstairs. It happened. It will keep on happening. Because do you know what, princess?” She shakes her head. “You are mine, and I am yours, and there is nothing anyone can do to change that.” She melts into me, but I know it’s only a matter of time before feisty Aria comes back. But I will be there every step of the way, fighting for her.

For us.

For our son.

For what is meant to be.

Because we were written in the stars. Fate.

And no one can fight fate.



I am such a fucking idiot.

I am supposed to be a responsible mother, not acting like a horny schoolgirl.

I knew as soon as I got in that cab that I was going to sleep with him. Yet, I never put a stop to it. My hormones took over and controlled me. No wonder Bishop is confused with my mood swings. I confuse myself. The problem is, as much as I say I don’t want him, I do. I love him even when I hate him.

Pushing my key into the door, I open it and step inside with Bishop following behind me. He insisted on coming with me, and no matter how much I argued it, I knew I wouldn’t win. “Help yourself to coffee. I am going to get changed and find our…” My words die in my throat, and I come to a stop when I round the corner to the kitchen to find my mama and dad sitting at the counter with Baron in his chair. All eyes land on me before shifting to Bishop. Baron squeals. Mama grins. And Dad…his lips form a tight line.

“Morning, tesoro. Bishop,” Mama says, trying to hide her smile behind her coffee mug.

I clear my throat. “Umm, sorry I didn’t come home last night, I should have let you know.”

Mama waves me off. “Your sister told me when she got home. It’s okay. Baron is fine. Did you have fun?”

My cheeks heat, and I feel the blush travel up my body. Thank God Bishop had the foresight to give me a coat. “Yes, t-thank you,” I stutter as the man who caused this embarrassment moves past me to our son.

“Morning, Mrs. Maxwell, Mr. Maxwell,” Bishop greets as he passes them. Shoving off my mortification, I watch as Bishop lifts Baron into his arms. “Hey, little man.” He presses a kiss to his forehead. Stepping toward them, I make grabby hands and pull my son into my arms.

Snuggling my head into his little neck, I breathe him in as mom-guilt hits me hard. “Happy New Year, bambino mio. Mommy is sorry she wasn’t here with you,” I whisper. But I know Bishop hears when his hand lands on my hip, giving me a gentle, comforting squeeze. Placing a kiss to Baron’s forehead, I hand him over to Bishop. “I’m going to grab a shower. Then, we can go to the Aquarium, if you like?”

“Sounds good, doesn’t it, buddy? A day out with Mommy and Daddy,” Bishop coos.

I spin around to face my parents. My father clears his throat. “Don’t forget that we are having a family lunch around two P.M. Your mother is cooking her famous roast.” He looks past me to Bishop. “Will you be joining us, Bishop?”

“I wouldn’t miss it,” he responds, never taking his eyes off Baron.

“Great.” My dad smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. I know he has questions. Especially after that article about Bishop’s engagement, but I will answer them later. For now, I am going to get showered and changed and have a nice day with my family.

Making my way down the hall to my bedroom, I am stopped only steps away when my sister steps out of her room. Spotting me, a smirk curves her lips. “Well, well, well, my sister returns. Good night?” She arches her brow in question.

I glare at her. “Why didn’t you stop me from going home with him?”

She chuckles, shoulder-checking me. “Because you didn’t want me to.”
