Page 7 of Inevitable

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“Come on. Let’s get going before your papa steals him away,” Mama says beside me.

I chuckle. “Time to go, Dad. Edward and Horatio are waiting in the lobby for us.”

Pressing a kiss to Baron’s forehead, he pushes to a stand. “I thought we could all go for dinner later. Evan is back from his trip, and Thalia is flying in to visit for a couple of days before she heads off to Europe. I thought it would be nice to go out this evening as a family.”

I tense. I know what happens when we all go out together. It becomes a circus. But then, I remember my new resolve. “Sounds good. Maybe we could go to Georgios? We haven’t been there in a while.”

My father’s face softens as Mama smiles beside me. “I will give them a call and see if the private room is available. Have a nice walk,” Papa says before dropping a kiss to my cheek, one to my mama’s lips, and then disappearing down the hall back to his office.

Grabbing the handle of Baron’s stroller, Mama says, “Let’s go, tesoro.” And we do. We enjoy a nice stroll around Central Park in relative peace. I did notice a couple of people with their cell phones taking pictures, but for the most part, they left us alone to enjoy our walk, making me feel even more confident in my adventures around the city with Baron.



We were still sneaking around.

Her sister knew. The man her sister had been fooling around with knew. Greg, head of Maxwell security, knew. Her parents and brother were still in the dark. It was getting harder every day to keep our relationship secret.

We had our ups and downs, times when I pulled away from Aria, but we always came back to one another. The turning point had been seeing her on the arm of some actor at the premiere of her mama’s new movie. I hated it. I knew she was mine, but witnessing that moment really drove the point home. I reclaimed her that same night, and things were finally going smoothly between us.

It had been months now, and although I felt some guilt for letting my relationship with my client get this far, I had never been happier. My little princess was mine. In every way a woman can be owned by a man, I owned Aria Maxwell.

But she owned me, too.

Aria had been pushing for us to come clean to her parents, and at first, I was hesitant—not because I didn’t want our relationship out in the open. It was just… I was scared she would wake up one day and realize I wasn’t good enough for her. I was man enough to admit my fears to myself, even if I couldn’t admit them to my princess. There was still so much I needed to tell her. She knew nothing about me—not even my real name. Aria deserved the truth. Once I had given her that, I would be more inclined to speak with her parents.

We were in Italy, watching her sister compete at some horse competition. It was boring as shit, but the times I got to be with Aria alone made up for it. Her parents were distracted with all things Thalia and the shit show with her ex-trainer, Theodore Rhodes. Turns out, he was never married to that woman, his ex-girlfriend Melody, and he was not the father of her child. So, he was hellbent on getting the youngest Maxwell back, much to Christian’s chagrin.

It worked out well for me. While Christian was so focused on that situation, I was fucking my girl whenever I could. She was so horny; she wanted my cock all the time. Aria had always had a healthy sexual appetite, but she was a complete horn dog right now. I wasn’t complaining. I couldn’t get enough of her either.

“I think we should tell your parents tomorrow,” I said, stroking her hair as she snuggled up on my chest. We had just made love for the fourth time today, and I think I had finally worn her out. I knew there were still things I had to tell her, but it felt like the right time to tell the Maxwells about our relationship.

She stilled before pushing up on her elbows to look at me. “Really?” she asked, and I could hear the excitement in her voice.

I cupped her face, pressing a kiss to her lips. “Yeah. It’s time. I love you, princess, and I think you love me.” My pulse kicked up saying those words. It was the first time I had used the L word, but it felt right. I did love this girl. More than anything.

Her eyes glazed over, a small smile curving her lips. “I do. I love you, Bishop. So much.” Her breath hitched. “You love me, too?”

I nodded. “I think I have loved you for a while now. I was just scared to admit it.”

She stared at me, searching my face—for what, I am not sure. “Why were you scared?”

I sighed, pulling her in closer. “For so many reasons but the main one is you.” Her brows furrowed in confusion. “I am worried that you will wake up one day and realize that I am not good enough for you. Because I’m not, princess. You deserve so much better than me, but I am too selfish to let you go.”

Her eyes turned soft as she shook her head. “You are everything to me, Bishop. Everything. And I never want you to let me go.”

“So, let me get this straight,” Zane says with a look of disbelief from his position on the couch as he inhales on a cigarette. “You are saying that you want to take your father out and want our help in doing so?”

We are holed up in Ryker’s office in the casino he owns. He did as he said he would and rallied up the troops. Fortunately, for the most part, they all seem to be on board with my plan. I know they all have their own reasons for wanting more freedom and changes within the brotherhood, and I will use that to my advantage.

“That is exactly what I am saying. I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t want to be told what to do and have no choice in who will be my wife. I never wanted this. I was free from it. I am only here because of Emmett… and you all know what happened to him.” I didn’t get on with my brother, but I never wished him dead. For selfish reasons, I wish he was still here—just so I don’t need to be.

Stone runs a palm down his face and sighs. “Calvin is the head of The Five Families. There is no way we can take him out without getting ourselves killed. He is the most protected out of everyone in this organization.”

I shrug nonchalantly like I’m not talking about killing one of the most powerful men in this country. “We can, and we will. No one gets to where he is without making enemies. I am sure even your fathers don’t like him all that well. He is a dictator. And even more so because he is an ancestor of the founding family.”

“It’s a suicide mission, Xan—" I glare at Zane, cutting him off. “Bishop.”
