Page 8 of Inevitable

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“Maybe it’s not,” Ryker finally joins the conversation. “I did some digging, and let’s just say, my father… Well, he doesn’t like Calvin as much as appearances would suggest. He found some discrepancies in their business dealings and thinks that he is making deals without the other families’ knowledge. I need to feel him out a bit longer, but I think he could potentially be an ally. I will warn you though, if he is willing to go against your father andwewin, he will want something for his troubles.”

The implication is clear. He will want to take the gavel and be the head of The Five Families. I think it over in my head for not even a second. “It’s his. I never wanted this legacy anyway,” I tell him honestly.

He searches my face for any hint of a lie, but he won’t find it. I mean everything I just said. Ryker nods. “It’s settled then. Give me a couple of weeks, and I will see where my father is with everything, then we can meet again.”

Looking around at Ryker, Stone, and Zane—only four sons since Gavin Fancott is dead— I smirk. “Is everyone in agreement?”

“Yes,” they all say, but I don’t miss the hints of concern in Zane’s voice. That’s okay, though. He will realize soon enough that I am not messing around.

Pushing off the leather couch, I move toward the door. “I’m out. I have a meeting with my father and the Parkes family.” My voice is nonchalant, but I feel anything but. Stopping, I face them again. “I will not go through with this wedding, so you better work out which side your father is on and quick. Calvin is determined to make the Parkes the fifth family, and he wants to seal it with our joining of families.” Anger surges through me at the thought of marrying anyone buther,and I know they all hear it in my voice and see it on my face if the looks on theirs are anything to go by.

“I’ve got you, brother. I will work on my father immediately. I don’t know why Calvin is so set on the Parkes being the fifth. From what I’ve read and heard about them, they can’t bring anything to the table of our organization,” Zane muses.

“My father does not do anything without a reason. He meticulously plans everything. We need to dig deep and find out what the Parkes have that would make Calvin want to bring them into the fold,” I say.

“On it. I have a contact who will dig so deep, by the time he is finished, he will know what the circumference is of their big toe,” Stone adds.

I chuckle and point at him. “Call him. I want to know everything by the end of the week.” I sigh. “I better go. Catch you later.” With that, I pull the door open and leave.

* * *

Pulling up to the Hastings mansion in Macdonald Highlands, I pause when I spot an unfamiliar vehicle. Dread hits my stomach when I realize it will most probably be Spencer Parkes and his daughter, here earlier than I expected. I at least thought I would have some time to do some recon before I had to sit down with them and play nice.

Exhaling, I try and calm myself before pushing my door open and stepping outside. The Nevada heat hits me, and not for the first time do I think how much I want to be back in New York. I hate this place. Sure, Vegas is fun, but I don’t want to live here. I want to be on the East Coast with… I shake the thought away before it forms.

I should know by now that I lost the love of my life when I decided to walk away from her. Yes, it was to save her sister—and Aria, in a sense—but I doubt she will ever forgive me. I don’t blame her. Everything was coming together for us. We were going to be together and tell her parents. And then, my motherfucking father happened.

Swallowing past the emotion and the lump in my throat that always appears when my mind drifts to the woman I lost,I start toward the house, nodding at the guards on my way. Pushing through the door, I make my way straight to where I know I will find my father and his guests.

Coming to a stop outside his office door, I hear deep voices and push it open without knocking—something I know will anger Calvin Hastings. I am proven right when he scowls at me. I bite back a smirk and move my gaze to Mr. Parkes and then his daughter.

I can tell she likes what she sees if her parted mouth and lustful gaze are anything to go by. And she isn’t bad looking either. Not my type but not ugly. Blonde hair, brown eyes, cute face, and a tight body. She is missing one thing, though. She isn’t Aria.

“Ah, glad you could join us, Xander,” my father drawls, trying to hide the irritation in his voice.

“Our meeting was scheduled for three P.M.. It’s only past two. I am early,” I deadpan, knowing my insolence will enrage him further.

His jaw clenches. He is desperate to reprimand me, but he won’t. Not in front of Spencer. “Xander, this is Spencer Parkes and his lovely daughter, Stacey.”

Stacey is out of her seat, batting her lashes and thrusting her hand out to me in seconds. “Nice to meet you, Xander.” There is a seductive purr in her voice that is instantly off-putting. She reeks of desperation.

Taking her hand, I plaster on a smile. “Likewise, Stacey.” I wrestle my hand from her grip.

She giggles like this is all some big joke. “Oops, sorry. Your hand just felt so good.”

I nearly vomit in my mouth. What the fuck is this girl on to say something like that? Narrowing my eyes down at her, I grimace and say, “Right.”

I go to move past her, but her father pushes out of his seat and takes my hand. “Nice to meet you, son. You and Stacey are going to make such a beautiful couple.”

I grit my teeth. I am not his fucking son, and no way am I going tomakeanything with that desperate girl. Instead of saying all that, I just smirk. “Sure.”

Moving past this weird family, I find an empty seat and drop down in it. My eyes meet Calvin’s, and I see the warning in his.Behave and don’t fuck this up,is what they say. Clearing his throat, my father begins. “We all know why we are here, and that is to bring our families together. By doing that, it will ensure Spencer becomes the fifth. The other families will not oppose this if we solidify your place in the brotherhood, and the only way to do that is for Xander and Stacey to marry.” I cringe at those last words.

“Looking at them both, they look like the perfect couple, and I am sure once Xander and my daughter get to know one another better, they will see they are perfect for each other,” Spencer says before his eyes come to me. “Stacey will make you a good wife, son. She can be who you want her to be. If you want a submissive wife, then that is what you will get. You want a queen who can work a room, she can be that, too. You can mold her to what you want.” He smirks, no doubt thinking these words will make me want this union.

Spoiler alert. Nothing will make me want this.

But I have to play my part well and make my father think—make them all think—that I am going along with this bullshit. My lips curve into a smile, but it’s fake. Not that these assholes can tell. “Sounds perfect. Stacey will be my wife in name only. Someone to flaunt at events and maybe a hole to keep my dick warm when and if I fancy it.”
