Page 76 of Inevitable

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“Look, I’m sure you are a really nice guy. But I am not really in the mood to be hit on, and I am not a one-night type of girl…so you can leave.” I turn back to face my empty glass, hoping he will get the message. As hot as he is, I don’t need any distractions. I just need to finish my senior year and get the hell out of Orange County.

“Tell me,” He drawls so sexy it makes my core clench. That’s new. I turn to face him again, this time with a cocked brow urging him to speak. “How is a woman who looks like you……” he trails off, his lips twisting as if he is searching for the right words. He clears his throat. “I mean, you are exquisitely beautiful, but I’m sure you know that.” He pauses waiting for my reaction. I don’t give him one. “Anyway, why are you on your own? Looking like the world has ended? A girl as pretty as you should never be without a smile.” My heart flutters at his compliment, but I still don’t give in. Like I said, I don’t need the distraction, no matter how hot he is.

“Look, you can probably have any woman in this place. Probably most of the men too,” I add, with a wave of my arms. “Why don’t you go and hit on someone you actually have a chance with? An easy fuck which is more than likely what you are looking for. I’m not that girl, you are wasting your time. I just want to sit and drink in peace.” His eyes narrow before his lips tip up in breathtaking smile, that leaves me momentarily stunned. There are no words to explain how attractive this man is.

“Beautiful and funny…just my type,” He smirks, leaning in so close his hot breath fans my face. My breath hitches at his close proximity. “You’re right. I could probably have any woman in here. It’s not like I didn’t notice the come fuck me eyes when I walked in. I don’t do desperate. I can smell their desperation from here,” A snort bursts from me on its own volition. Jesus, he may be gorgeous, but he’s an arrogant bastard. “But you? You didn’t so much as look at me until I approached you. Even then you barely spared me a glance,” His emerald eyes bore into me making me squirm in my seat. Noticing he smirks. “I do like a challenge. I think I will take my chances and join you.” He finishes, leaning back in his stool getting comfortable, he shoots me a wink. I roll my eyes, acting nonchalant even though I can feel my arousal in my panties. They are embarrassingly wet; I was sure by the time I leave here my shorts will be too. Not that I will ever admit it…something tells me this man doesn’t need anything else to inflate his already oversized ego.

I eye him. Feeling confident, I cock my head with a smirk. “Beautiful, huh? Quite the charmer, aren’t you?” He flashes an arrogant smirk not deterred by my words. “Maybe if I were a few more drinks in, I would have fallen for what I am sure is normally a bulletproof way to get a woman into bed. Unfortunately for you, I’m not. And I definitely will not fall for a little line like calling me beautiful.” I shoot him condescending wink. He eyes me a beat before his head falls back on a laugh. I stare at him as he chuckles. If I wasn’t so angry right now, I would probably enjoy his attention.

His eyes meet mine as his tongue traces his full bottom lip. My eyes dart to the movement, watching as he wets the perfect plump flesh. “Pessimism doesn’t suit such a beautiful face.” I groan as the bartender hands us our drinks – the green-eyed stranger sliding him some bills across the bar in return. He turns with a sigh. “Look, we obviously got off on the wrong foot. You probably get hit all the time and by the look on your face, it is the last thing you want. So, let’s cut the shit and start over. I’m Nate.” He thrusts his hand out for me to take. “I can leave you be, if that’s what you really want? I just don’t want to sit alone. And as much as you probably don’t think you want it; something tells me you could use the company. What’s your name, Blondie?”

A smile tugs at my lips. He is right. I was used to being hit on. Half the male population at my school in Seattle had hit on me to no avail. The boys I went to school with, they were immature, their sole purpose in life was to see how many girls they could sleep with by graduation. I wasn’t going to be another notch on some boy’s bedpost, so I steered clear, earning me the nickname ‘Pruden’—a mix of prudish and Eden. They thought they were clever. I didn’t care. When they eventually realized they wouldn’t get anywhere with me they stayed away.

I take a sip of my drink before taking Nate’s hand with a smile. “Eden. I apologize for being a bitch. It’s been a bad day.” He grins with a nod of his head.

“I know that feeling,” His jaw ticks, a dark look in his eyes. “I just found out my ex of six years is engaged to the guy she cheated on me with.” My mouth gapes in disbelief that anyone would want to cheat on him, before I let out a low whistle

“And I thought I was having a bad day. You definitely win.”

He shrugs, waving me off. “Yeah, it was a shock for sure. But they are welcome to each other.” He dismisses it like it isn’t a big deal, but I don’t miss the anger flashing in his eyes. “So, what happened to you? Boyfriend? Ex-boyfriend?” He licks his lips as his eyes rake over me, his gaze scorching my skin in ways I didn’t know could happen. “Nah, not an ex. I can’t imagine any guy lucky enough to have you would ever leave you. And if he did, he is an idiot.” A laugh bubbles out of me and I shake my head in amusement.

“You can’t help yourself, can you?”

He chuckles. “Not when there is a gorgeous lady involved. Sorry.” He smiles sheepishly. “So, what is it, then? What is so bad?”

I eye him, debating what to tell this man. I can’t say too much about my situation because it will give away my age. And since I am underage…with a fake ID…drinking in a bar, I don’t need trouble, so I keep it simple. “It’s just family stuff. Asshole fathers.” I grumble.

Nate searches my face, over the top of his beer. Obviously noticing a shift in my mood, the tension in my body, he smiles. “How about we leave the deep stuff?”

I chuckle, feeling my body relax. “That’s the best thing you have said since you walked in here.”

He shifts his whole body to face me, caging me in with his muscular legs. His green eyes lock onto my blues as he leans into me. My pulse speeds up, breath hitching at his nearness. His throat bobs as he swallows his beer, my eyes track the movement. I want to run my tongue up and down his strong throat, taste him. As if sensing my thoughts, he smirks knowingly. I give my head an almost imperceptible shake, needing to gain some self-control.

“Tell me about yourself Eden? What do you do? How old are you?” he asks.

Again, I need to keep the answer simple, I will never see this guy again; he doesn’t need to know I am repeating my senior year at high school, that I am only eighteen, in here with a fake ID. “I graduated in June. Twenty-one. What about you?”

An emotion flashes in his eyes, but before I get a chance to decipher it, he smiles, but this time it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Twenty-eight and I’m an app and software developer.” I freeze, not at his age but his job. What are the chances? He is in the same line of work as Declan. I’m not about to talk abouthim though so instead, I blurt.

“You are way too hot to be a techy guy.”

He laughs, heartily before gently nudging my shoulder. “Now look who’s flirting.”

I shrug. “I doubt you are unaware of how attractive you are. Your ego is so big, I’m surprised you could get through the entrance.” I jerk my head towards said entrance.

He chuckles harder. “I like you, Eden. Straight to the point, real, don’t apologize for who you are. It’s rare in people nowadays. Especially for people in Orange County.” I bite my bottom lip; his eyes narrow in on the movement. Warmth spreads through my body, my stomach swirling in excitement. This reaction is foreign to me. I have never felt like this with a guy before. Ever.

Nate shifts his stool closer. I take a deep breath, his masculine scent invading all my senses, making me feel dizzy. “Do you live round here, Eden?”

“I do. For now,” I croak out. He moves in closer - leaving hardly anything between us -his big body dwarfing mine. His hand drops to my bare thigh, my skin prickles when he draws small circles on my skin.

“Are you cold, Eden?” He asks huskily, his hot, minty breath fanning across my face. I swallow, shaking my head. He smiles. “You know. I’ve never done this sort of thing before,” My brows furrow in confusion. “Never hit on a woman, I mean. I’ve never had too. I know I sound egotistical but it’s the truth. They usually come to me,” He shrugs, “But you? There is something about you, you’re different.”

I roll my eyes, even though his words are doing things to me. Mainly soaking my panties. “Another one of your pickup lines, Nate?”

“Nope. Just the truth. You can’t tell me you don’t feel this connection between us? Its electric.” I search his face, only finding truth in his words. My gaze drops to my lap. He is right, there is a pull between us. I startle when his thick fingers grip my chin, lifting till I meet his eyes. The intensity in his has my breath hitching. “I want to see your gorgeous face.” He slowly moves closer, so close his lips ghost mine. “I know you don’t know me, and I don’t know you. But I think you’re really fucking sexy. I have never wanted to kiss anyone as bad as I want to kiss you. And as much as you think you don’t want this…” His hand on my thigh moves higher, “I can tell you do. Your body gives you away. I can smell your arousal from here.” He growls.

I pull my chin out of his grip, as my eyes widen in embarrassment. Can he smell my wet panties? Jesus, right now I wish I hadn’t been a Pruden. I wish I were more experienced to deal with a guy like him. He raises a brow, daring me to deny what we both know to be the truth. He is turning me on. He knows it. I know it. I stare at him, neither confirming nor denying his accusation so he continues. “I can tell by your erratic breathing. The way goosebumps coat your soft skin. You’re not cold, Eden. Your turned on,” He winks smugly. “I have a talent for reading women.” I clench my thighs at his words, my panties getting even wetter. I don’t even want to think about the puddle I will be leaving on this stool.
