Page 77 of Inevitable

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I have kissed boys before, but they were just that. Boys. Nate is all man. I’m not experienced like other girls my age. I am still a virgin at eighteen. But somehow, I have gone from not wanting him to hit on me to wanting to do very naughty things with him. A stranger. I want his hand to travel higher, I want him to feel my wet panties. Hell, at this point I am about ready to let him take my virginity on this bar. I inwardly chuckle at the situation. Maybe I should do something for me. To be irresponsible. To fuck someone, I have only just met.

My tongue darts out to wet my dry lips. Nate's eyes follow the movement. I lean in, my lips resting against his. I can taste the beer. Taste the man. “And maybe I have a talent for reading assholes.” I pull back, smirking with a wink.

He barks out a laugh, the sound going straight between my legs, “Touché, Eden. But don’t kid yourself, you could cut the sexual tension with a knife right now.” I snicker. He is right, you can. It would be so easy to lose myself in him right now. Maybe I should? I do want to forget, after all and something tells me Nate could make me forget everything.

My cell buzzes breaking me from my thoughts. I snatch it off the bar, groaning at the name on the screen. A message from Declan, demanding I get home now. I furiously type a message back before pulling up my Uber app.

“Everything okay?” Nate asks. I click on my ride and push my cell into my shorts pocket before turning to Nate.

“Yeah, I gotta get back. Family stuff.” I shrug. Pushing to a stand, I get ready to make my exit. “Thanks for the drink Nate.” I don’t give him a chance to respond, turning on my heel, I make my way to the door. Just as I step outside, a big hand wraps around my elbow. I turn, jaw clenched - ready to shout at whoever dared to touch me - when my eyes lock with emerald ones that have somehow become familiar.

“At least let me wait with you. It’s getting dark, you don’t know what weirdos are about,” Nate rasps.

I cock a brow. “You mean apart from you?”

He chuckles, shaking his head as he leads me to the sidewalk. After a long beat of silence, Nate speaks. “I know I said I wouldn’t hit on you, but can I at least get your number?” I look up at him with a smirk.

“Your tenacity is admirable Nate.”

He smiles, something that looks a lot like determination flashes in his eyes. Grabbing my hand, he pulls me towards the alley at the side of the building. I should be afraid. Should scream for help. But I don’t do any of that as excitement course through me. “Where are we going?” He doesn’t answer but flashes me a smile. Coming to an abrupt stop, he backs me up until my back hits the wall, his big arms caging me in.

“Tell me to stop if you don’t want me to kiss you?” he whispers, searching my face. My head spins, this is all happening so fast. But as I look at him, I know I don’t want him to stop. I want him to kiss me.

Before I can stop myself; I wrap my arms around his neck, yanking his head down to me. His lips crash on mine, taking my breath away. In this moment, with his mouth on mine, my whole-body sparks alive in a way it has never before. Nothing has ever felt so freeing as his mouth on mine. I never want it to stop. Nate devours my mouth like a starved man, finally having a meal. His tongue darts out, seeking entrance to my mouth. I give it him, moaning when his hot tongue meets mine. His hands move down my legs, wrapping round my thighs as he lifts me like I weigh nothing.

My eyes fly open as I feel his dick harden. It only takes seconds before I am grinding against the hard length, losing all my inhibitions. Who am I right now? This isn’t me. I moan, at the feel of him and briefly wonder how he would feel inside me. I internally roll my eyes; I might be acting completely different to usual but it’s not like I’m actually going to fuck him against this wall. He groans as his hand snakes between us. Through the fabric of my denim shorts he rubs my swollen clit. The feel of his hand there and the material rubbing against me has me gasping. Shit, if he keeps this up maybe I am going to fuck him against this wall.

Shaking the thoughts away. I push into his hand, chasing the friction I desperately need. He chuckles against my mouth, the sound vibrating through my body, shooting straight to my pussy. My orgasm builds, taking me higher and higher only to disappear when Nate pulls his hand and lips away. Frustration courses through me as I pant, trying to catch my breath, He smirks before his lips move to my neck, kissing and nibbling the sensitive flesh.

“You are so fucking sexy, Eden,” he murmurs thickly, causing me to shiver. His hand comes up, unhooking my arms. Never breaking eye contact, he guides my hand down to the hardness in his pants. “Look what you have done to me. I’m so fucking hard for you.” My eyes widen, he isn’t lying. He is rock hard, and big. Very fucking big.

Dropping my hand, I slide down his body, a moan escapes as I graze his hard cock. I clear my throat. “My ride will be here,” I chew on my lip, realization setting in at what I have just done. His eyes search mine.

“At least let me get your number?” he rasps; his tone almost pleading.

I smile, I shouldn’t give it to him, but I want to. “Sure, why not?”

He grins, pulling his cell out of his pocket. He hands it to me, my thumbs race across the screen as I input my number before handing it back. Seconds later my cell buzzes in my pocket. I fish it out, frowning when a number a don’t recognize flashes on the screen. I look to Nate who smirks back at me.

“Just making sure you didn’t give me a random number.” I roll my eyes before starting back to the main sidewalk. Feeling confident, I spin.

“I would never do that to someone who kisses as good as you.” I wink.

An arrogant smirk spreads across his face, “If you think that was good, just you wait till I get you in my bed.” The confidence in his voice has my cheeks heating. I have no doubt this man, knows how to please a woman. “Don’t worry, Eden. I assure you will enjoy every second of it.” I shake my head before spinning on my heel and rushing to my Uber which is now waiting. Jumping in the back seat, I pull the door only to find it won’t move. My gaze snaps up to find Nate holding it. He crouches so he is eye level with me. My pulse races up as he moves in and kisses my cheek. I squeeze my eyes shut as my skin tingles from his touch.

“’Night, Eden.” he whispers seductively.

“Night, Nate.” I croak in a voice I don’t recognize. His eyes flash triumphantly. Like he knows something I don’t. Pushing to a stand, he gently closes the door. The car peels away, I fall against the seat, releasing a harsh breath. I know full well nothing good can come from seeing him again. I lied to him. About my age. About college. I should block his number. But even as the thought passes, I know I won’t. I want him. And I have never wanted a man.

I don’t need the distraction, but if I am going to have one, Nate will be the perfect one.
