Page 9 of Inevitable

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A gasp falls from Stacey’s lips, her smile dropping as Spencer and my father scowl. The atmosphere thickens, and it’s only when Calvin chuckles heartily that the tension dispels slightly. “Xander, I taught you well. Women are to be seen, not heard, and are here for our enjoyment.” He laughs before clapping his hands. “It’s settled then. Stacey and Xander will marry. Congratulations.”

Spencer puffs his chest out like he just won some grand prize, a smirk curving his lips. “I knew we could make this happen, Calvin. I can’t wait to be initiated into the family.”

My father grins triumphantly. “The other families will not question me. I told you it was a sure thing, Spencer.” He leans back in his chair like he is the king of the world. “Big things are going to happen with these new changes. I agree—the sooner the union of our families happens, the better. And then, we can put our plans for the brotherhood in motion.”

I frown, wondering what he is talking about, and then make a mental note to explore this further. I knew there would be a reason for bringing Spencer Parkes in as the fifth family, but I am beginning to think those reasons are far more nefarious than I first thought. I wonder if the other families are aware of my father’s plans.

I need to find out what Calvin has proposed to Spencer and quickly. It could be something I could use against him. Pushing out of my chair, I plaster on a smile. “I have somewhere I need to be.” I move to the door.

My father’s tight voice has me pausing. “Say goodbye to our guests, Xander.”

Liking the fact that I am getting under his skin, I flash them a smile. “Goodbye, Mr. Parkes.” I nod before turning toward his daughter. “Stacey, it’s been a pleasure.” And with that, I leave.

Making my way down the halls to my wing in this ridiculous mansion, thoughts of what my father could be up to roll around in my head. I need to get the ball rolling by removing him as the head. If Calvin and Spencer have their way, they will have me and Stacey married before the month is out.

I can’t have that.

Pushing through the door of my bedroom, I fish my cell out of my pants pocket when it chimes. Bringing it up to my face, I open the screen up, my heart stalling when I see a notification withhername.

Clicking on the article, I scan the words.

Is heiress Aria Maxwell a mother?

Yes. According to our source, the daughter of jewelry mogul, Christian Maxwell, and award-winning actress, Elena Maxwell, welcomed a baby boy nearly a year ago. Aria, who disappeared from the public eye, is now back from wherever she went and has been seen walking around New York City with her son. Last night, the whole Maxwell family, along with Theo Rhodes, attended a dinner at Italian restaurant Giorgio’s, where Aria was spotted being a doting mother to her son.

I am sure the Maxwells won’t like another public scandal, not so soon after Thalia and her very public affair with Theodore Rhodes, but the drama for this family seems to keep coming.

Is pregnancy why the party-loving Maxwell disappeared from the public eye? And who is the father of her child?

If anyone has any information, please contact us at: [email protected]

My eyes move to the pictures, my whole body turning cold.

What. The. Fuck.



I pace my room, my heart booming in my chest. I am back in Italy after being in New York for several weeks. I went back to get confirmation on something, and after me and Bishop speak with my parents and tell them about our relationship, I will break my other news to him.

I am sure it will be fine. I know my mama will be fine with us, so I am not worried about her reaction. It’s my father. I don’t want to see the disappointment in his eyes. The same disappointment I saw many times when I was going through my wild stage. The upside is that he has been plenty supportive of Thalia and Theo, and their relationship has been way more controversial than mine and Bishop’s. So, I am positive everything will work out.

It doesn’t make me less anxious, though.

Making my way downstairs and outside to where I know dinner is being set up, I find my parents, brother, and his girlfriend already sat around the table in deep conversation. Their heads snap up when they hear me coming, and I smile before pressing a kiss to my mama’s then father’s cheeks. Taking a seat, I join in the small talk, but it’s not long before my sister and her best friend appear. I am out of my chair, wrapping her in my arms before she knows what is happening.

“Whoa, sis, did you miss me?” She giggles.

I squeeze her harder. “More than you know. I have so much to tell you. Alone.”

“I’m sure we can slip away to talk,” Thalia murmurs.

She pulls back and looks at me, cocking her head as she studies my face. “You’re glowing,” she blurts, making me blush.

I blow out a breath. There is so much I want to tell her, but it will have to wait until after dinner. And I can only tell her so much today. As close as I am to my sister, Bishop deserves to be the first to know.

Dinner is full of chatter and laughter. I try to join in, but my mind is on Bishop and what he is doing. How he is feeling. He is holed up in the guest house along with the rest of the security. Somewhere during dinner, I decided that we are going to speak with my parents tonight. I just want to get that out the way and tell him my other news. I hope he will be as excited as I am.
