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I move harder and faster, water splashing around us with each of my powerful thrusts. Our orgasms hit at the same time. I throw my head back and roar through the untethered ecstasy ripping through every red blood cell in my body.

I know without a doubt as of this minute we are tied together for life.



Oh my God, I’ve never seen the stars so close before. I thought my first orgasms with him were out of this world, but this. Holy crap. I can’t seem to clear the stardust from my eyes no matter how fast I blink.

Good Lord. I sway my hips and angle in such a way that has him sinking in just a little bit more.

“You’ve never had a man like me, Vannah?”

I blush fiercely and shake my head. “No, Maxim. Just you.”

My words spark a primal glint in his eyes. His fingers clutch me tighter and the twitch of his cock releasing inside me feels more like branding than anything else.

I’m his.

“I know no other man has fed you his seed, touched so deep inside you.”

He’s right. I’ve never wanted a man in this way before. Not even close. “No, Maxim.” I reach around with one hand and twine our fingers together. “Just you and me.” Maybe it’s a combination of the exotic location and being whisked away by a bad boy that has me ultra-horny for all the filthy things his dark gaze and hot touch promise that has me overwhelmed. I don’t know. But I’ll take it over the fear of the last week of my life.

Maxim slows to lazy thrusts until we both find our balance. He picks me up off the pool steps and gathers me close to his chest. Off to the side, I spot a shower and he heads in that direction. He sets me down and makes sure the water is lukewarm before he moves us under the spray.

Right there in front of all of nature and the slowly rising sun he washes my body. Toes, knees, thoroughly pleasured pussy, and doesn’t stop until he’s conditioned my hair.

I might have groaned a time or two.

By the time he finishes, the storm clouds from this morning have finally reached us and it starts to rain. “Even in bad weather, it’s still so beautiful.” Lightning cracks across the sky and I jump at the roar of thunder that follows.

“Shh…you’re safe,malyshka. You’re safe.”

“I know,” I say as I rest my head on Maxim’s shoulder.

He reaches for towels from a nearby rack and passes me one while he sets to work on drying my hair with another. He doesn’t touch a towel for himself until I’m completely dry and comfortable.

“I could get used to this so you better watch out or you might be painting my toenails next,” I tease.

“Would you like tropical mango or fruitilicious pink?”

Okay, my mouth kind of falls open at that.

“I have twelve brothers, two sisters, and four nieces. There is not a male in my family who does not know how important a mani-pedi is. We regularly discuss colors.”

He drops large numbers like that as if it’s no big thing. With it being just my dad and me for so long the idea of having so many people in your life sounds like a gift. “I have to meet this family sometime.”

“Sometime,” he agrees slowly. As he dries off his towel-dried hair plays over his forehead. I brush the dark strands aside and plant a kiss on his mouth that has him growling.

I look up into his eyes. “Animal,” I tease.

He strokes his hands over my shoulders and down the sides of my towel, ripping it away. I gasp in shock and step back. “You know it. I want to keep you to myself as long as possible.”

My heart kicks into overdrive and something primal in me syncs with the same in him and I cast around for the nearest exit. My eyes go wide when I spot a large archway and I take off.

His eyes narrow and his expression takes on the dark angles of a man on the hunt.

“Run,krasivaya sirena.”
