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But where would that leave me? Locked up for indecent exposure at the very least, for one. My father’s face would be splashed all over the tabloids as a runner-up to my arrest, and wouldn’t all of his political rivals love that circus show.

I shudder at the possible headlines. I can’t do that to the man who supported me through pimples, my punk rocker phase complete with purple hair and college.

But I also can’t ignore how I feel, either.

There’s no real fair ground here. Honestly, I don’t know what the heck the man was thinking when he walked my new protection detail into his office and introduced me to three of the most gorgeous men I’ve ever seen. I’ve never lusted over a single guy before let alone three, but here I am, wet and ready for anything they want from me.

Smooth silk glides over my curves as I shimmy into a dress that practically doubles as a shirt made from what feels like weightless clouds, I swear. It certainly is the shade of the sky after a summer rain and the storm has cleared. The color plays well with my citrine eyes and makes my creamy skin stand out.

I waffled between this one and a floor-length black number featuring a scandalous double thigh-high slit that reveals more skin than a string bikini. Okay, maybe not as much, but pretty close. I’ve given a lot of thought about tonight, so I go with the one Austin would love and that will have Boone growling a wicked rumble in the back of his throat. He thinks no one can hear. I do and every time it makes me wet.

As for Landry, I can’t tell for sure. He is a hard man to read, so I’ll go with what two out of the three like.

I take a deep breath and let it out to a slow count of five, turning to see all the angles in the floor-length mirror. Braless in silk is as scandalous as it gets. While I’m at it, I go ahead and ditch the idea of using the white thong I have set out. With a dress this thin, why bother. I smile a little at what my bouncing breasts will do to all the sexual tension I plan on stoking to the max tonight. I have no intentions of leaving anything to anyone’s imagination. If this doesn’t get their dicks hard and my virginity taken tonight, I might just give up.

“It ain’t getting any better, babe,” I muse and fidget with my hair a little longer to get the blonde curls just right. I’m not a natural risk-taker, but it’s time to throw all my built-in hesitation in the trash and let the wild girl in me out for the first time. My father always said I was wound too tight since birth, and I think I might have found the cure for that.

At least for an evening. And then I can go back to being the obedient daughter with the regal poise and perfect smile in the background.

Always in the background.

Usually, I have to be shoved into doing anything new, but tonight is my only chance to have them see me as more than the off-limits daughter of their high-profile client.

I want—need—them to see me as a woman. I tune out the white noise playing in my head telling me this won’t end well.

Cool air kisses the bare, heated skin of my shoulders as I slip out of my bedroom and make my way down the hall. I descend the back stairs knowing I’ll find Boone, Austin and Landry waiting for me. At the bottom of the stairs, I walk the short hall that spills into a large living area with plush sofas to the right and the spacious kitchen to the left.

I get to the halfway mark when I slow to a stop. I can already smell the combined scent of their cologne and feel a rush of excitement tingle in places I wish they would all touch, lick and nibble.

I’ve had a long time to think about this evening. Three years, in fact. Thirty-six torturous months of wondering, and dreaming, what it would be like to have all three of my bodyguards take me and give me all of my firsts. I know I’m untouchable. They’ve made that clear the few times I’ve dropped hints, but please God, have mercy on me this one time.

Every second of my life has been coordinated with events and an hourly schedule since my mother walked out on my father ten years ago. He doesn’t talk about it, but I know he fills his days with endless meetings to drown the heartache which saddles me with all the more work as his personal assistant. Not a job I asked for, but naturally slipped into.

My father’s need for structure and predictability has left our lives cold. Lifeless even and I’m tired of it. I’ve put off living my life long enough, so I’m taking back control from appointment books, calendars and a slew of digital screens taking over my life.

Lucky for me, my father is hosting a charity ball this evening and has stepped out early, leaving the house all to myself and my men. And since I control the schedule, I know we have two hours before I’m due at my father’s side.

I slow toward the end of the hallway when I hear a masculine growl hit low in someone’s throat. I can’t tell who it is, but my money would be on Boone. He’s always rambling on about one thing or another not going according to his plan.

I move to push forward, but Austin’s words have me stopping in my tracks again, my shuffling steps silent on the thick carpet. I know it’s wrong not to voice my presence, but I can’t force myself to move.

“Get a damn grip, Austin.”

I was right. Boone. My breath catches at the harshness I hear in his words. His voice is as rough around the edges as the man himself. Sure, he’s mind-blowingly gorgeous, tall and clean-shaven, but he’s also broody to the core and speaks more in growls than words at times.

He brushes the line of being ten years my senior and is the older of my three bodyguards by a year or two. He’s also the one who forbids breaking protocol. Much to his annoyance, I enjoy pushing his buttons just to mess with him.

“How much longer are we going to wait? I seriously don’t know if I can hold out much longer. Another week? Maybe. A month? I think that’s pushing it. The little cock-tease has my balls bluer by the day.”

Austin. The youngest of the group and the most laid-back man I’ve ever met. In a word, he’s gorgeous but not in a polished never-get-dirty-kind of way. Smoky gray eyes, chiseled jawline and dark hair make him look every bit as off-limits as he seems.

“Good damn question none of us have an answer to and you know why. You’re not the only one losing it.”

That’s Boone again. Clipped sentences mean he’s getting irritated by the line of conversation.

“I don’t know about you guys, but I dread seeing her tonight. My dick is going to be hard the whole time, and these pants are too tight to hide the hard-on I’ll be sporting.”

God above. Her? Her who? My heart quickens.

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