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My nipples harden on contact and I can see the fancy fabric of his pants jutting out with his arousal.

Sweet Jesus, he is so temptingly huge. Why, of all the men I could possibly lust over, does it have to be the one man I can’t have?

His gaze glides over my puckered nipples, and he notices them in a big way. I swallow a groan. How could he not? My bra is nothing more than thin lace and my blouse is wet silk. I might as well be wearing nothing. Heat flashes across his expression and he takes my chin in hand. He’s never touched me like this before, and we’re both a little shocked.

This is it. He’s going to kiss me. I know it. I forget to breathe and for long, silent seconds he does nothing but stare down at me. The warm hand on my chin moves to cover my cheek, and I’m suddenly sucked into my fantasy as Seth’s lips cover mine. Surprisingly soft. Warm and claiming. Every hard inch of his rigid cock presses into me, teasing my senses. My whole body is on edge, ready. His hands come to my face, and I’m his prisoner. A brush of his tongue over the seam of my lips has me opening. Butterscotch bursts over my tongue, and I kiss him harder, deeper. Seth growls, his hands sliding down to cup my breasts. His fingers stroking over the hard tips. I gasp into his mouth, anticipation strumming through me.

The bell dings over the door and then the hypnotic trance is shattered. One second I’m hot and ready and in the next I’m left cold, wanting.

His back is turned to me as a few office workers board, paying no mind to us. Large shoulders block me and my hungry nipples from their view as we glide to another floor. When it’s empty again, his long fingers move over the buttons and I notice him insert a key to the private floor and then punch in the number eighteen. Not the basement where my team of guards waits for me below.

He turns to me, his eyes filled with a glint of something akin to possessiveness. He blinks and it’s gone. “Let’s get you cleaned up somewhere private before going into public.”

Here I thought I had all of ninety-five seconds—give or take—alone with the man who has consumed my nightly thoughts for the past year. Now he is taking me to his exclusive floor?

I should be utterly ashamed of the thoughts running through my head. If I had more control over my emotions I would force one foot in front of the other and continue on with my plan. Walk out of the elevator, go to the limo waiting for me in the private carport in the sub-basement and be the good daughter my mother demands I be. Forget all about the deep ache I have growing in the pit of my stomach.

I slip my hand into Seth’s, letting my warm, smooth palm glide over his rougher one before I twine our fingers together. So maybe I will be bold, brave and take what I want after all.

His gaze falls to mine. Fiery heat stares back at me, and I suck back a quick breath from the intensity. He turns his full body to me, and I get hit with the SEAL’s one-hundred percent intense attention. I lock my knees and feel the second all four walls grow closer; the tight space turns warm. For only the hundredth time this week, I part my lips only to snap them closed again.


His voice is heavier and his eyes turn molten gold. Yet there’s a warning to the way he says my name, and I notice he has droppedMs. Thornealtogether.

I hold back a smile.

“What are you doing?”

“Honestly, I don’t know, Seth, but it feels so good. That kiss...” I sidle closer, letting my bare leg caress against him. My sense of style is more boardroom approved on the day-to-day basis, but today I went with fuck-iful—slightly less than modest silk top with a sexy V dip for cleavage tucked into a thigh-high skirt designed to showcase miles of legs with a pair of black stilettos to round out the look.

Coffee stain, well, I’m about to make some refreshing lemonade for lunch from that moment.

When I walked out of the elevator this morning and received matching scowls from my panty-wetting trio, I knew I had their attention. And because I have a little she-devil in me I might have left off certain items so I could pull off my best Sharon Stone impersonation before they left me alone to wait for my mother.

On the spot evil planning at its finest. Unfortunately, timing didn’t play out on my side then, but maybe it will now.

My hand drops to Seth’s broad chest at the exact same time his arm snakes around my waist. His gaze moves over mine, and I guess he likes what he reads in my expression because he moves swiftly, pushing me against the metal wall at my back using his large body to hold me in place. Two steps are all it takes for us to be hip to hip. My pulse skips, and a hot flush of lust flashes through me from head to toe. Seriously, not an inch is left untouched by the heat he stirs inside me.

He sweeps his gaze over my cleavage, and I can feel the hard length of his erection press into my lower stomach.

My best friend was right, I always push people too far, but this time maybe it’s not all bad. Yes, I know I’m pinned against the last man I should want, but the thrill running through me has my heart exploding.

My lips are parted slightly, and I’m breathing heavily. I can’t decide what I want most—him spreading me here right now and claiming me, or him taking me to the other two. And then doing it there. I wish I could be one of those chicks that is in it for the pure joy of sex, but I want more than an elevator quickie. More than just stolen moments.

“I’m in the mood to celebrate, Seth,” I say in a husky tone filled with a bit too much delight. He must find it amusing because he smiles down at me with a fiery intent I’ve dreamed of seeing in his eyes.

“I’ve heard. Congratulations on your achievement.” Again, I hear the words, but the stone-cold expression makes reading a brick wall seem easier.

“I want nothing more than to have what I’ve wanted for the last year of my life as my reward.” I stroke a finger down his tie while holding his eyes with mine, undeterred.

Oh my God, I’m really doing this.

To his credit, his eyes never leave mine. Nor do his hands as he leans in, pressing his broad chest against mine to whisper by my ear, “You’ve teased me one too many times, baby. A man can only take so much.”

The husk in his voice. The thread of a promise.

My core tightens and hot liquid drips to wet my thighs.

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