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“Once the marriage is complete, my men will be at your disposal,” Grigory added as if his voice wasn’t more fuel to the fire.

“Shut up!” I shouted at Lukin, redirecting my rage at him. Aleksei forced me back despite my lunging. “Not another word from you!”

Grigory sat back at that, swallowing harshly—the only indicator thus far that he was nervous about being there alone, and he was at our mercy. Yet, with Ivan on his side, his life was hardly in danger.

“Enough of this, Nikolai!” Ivan demanded, slamming a fist against the ornate table.

Wrath crawled inside my skin and filled me with agitation, only curable by smashing something with my fist, but I didn’t have the option then. Instead, I broke away from Aleksei and hurried toward the door with heavy steps.

I couldn’t stand to see that rat’s smug face any longer. I couldn’t handle being in that room, knowing neither of my brothers were on my side.

The forced marriage was bullshit, and I wouldn’t let myself be roped into it.

Slamming the front door behind me, I jogged down the steps and hurried to my black Audi, wiping a hand down my face to dispel the unrelenting anger that coursed through me. I was pissed beyond belief.

I was normally understanding of the shots Ivan called, but this was too far.

The car started up immediately, and I pulled onto the road without more than a glance through the rearview mirror. Revving the engine, I sped down the highway, fists turning white from clenching the steering wheel.

It took all my strength to make it to my newest acquisition without causing my car or anyone else damage.

My brothers had their nightclubs, and Yuri was a tax lawyer, but this was my first legal business. My pride and joy.

I pulled up to the boutique hotel and released the breath I had been holding. Seeing the establishment eased some of my flaming nerves, and I parked before going in.

The hotel not only claimed most of my attention as of late, but it was also my escape from everything. While my brothers perused in their clubs to feel like kings, I only needed to visit the poolside bar to accomplish the same.

Brushing my guards aside, preoccupied with my needs, I went right to the pool, and everyone’s eyes were on me. The employees stiffened and were quick to get back to work, while the models and socialites offered me their flirty looks.

They were exactly what I was after. They knew me so well.

“Give me the most expensive whisky we have,” I told the bartender, turning my attention to a handful of beauties that crowded around me. It wasn’t long before the glass was presented to me neatly, filled halfway with the amber fluid.

“This pool is the nicest one in all of Florida,” a small blonde with decent curves said, leaning against the bar. “I wouldn’t be caught dead anywhere else.”

My brow quipped at that. “It’s only so nice with these beautiful bikinis around to make it that way.”

Her friends giggled, and she bit her lip. “You know, Nikolai, you should stay and party with us.”

“Isn’t that what I’m doing now, sweetheart?”

Appeasement filled her eyes, and the blonde was quick to sit next to me. Her friends piled in, sipping from their glasses.

“If you have your trunks, you should join us in the pool,” one with hypnotizing green eyes said, lips plump with filler.

I smirked against the rim of my glass. “Isn’t the point to have no trunks at all?”

This seemed to resonate with the girls, seeing as their giggles only continued as if I had said the funniest thing in the world, and one of them wasted no time tracing her fingers around my shoulder.

Looking between the small crowd, I wondered which one I’d take up to my suite. The blonde was sexy, but it seemed like the obvious choice. They were all beautiful, yet it was too easy. The way they fawned over me was almost unappealing.

There was no challenge. These socialites knew exactly who I was, and they all desired different things from me. While I wasn’t afraid to take what I wanted, the game lacked its usual appeal.

The longer I stayed around the models, the more irritated I began to feel.

“How was your day, Nikolai?” One of them asked, draping her arm around my shoulders like she had earned it. Those siren eyes would’ve pulled me in any other time, but the reminder of the day’s annoyances only made me grit my teeth.

The arranged marriage.
