Page 23 of Scythe's Grasp

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The question feels like razors in my throat, and I clear my throat, hoping that helps.

“Jos is going to be okay. Thanks to you having that box of chocolates, we were able to identify exactly what she’d been given.” Stella shoves her hands in the pockets of her white coat and lets out a heavy breath.

“What was it?” Jamie asks tersely.

Angel moves in next to his woman and puts an arm around her.

“The chocolate was laced with a combination of drugs similar to what they use in meth, but not quite the same. From what the lab specialist says, they have never seen anything like it. Usually, they have the typical opioids and whatnot. This was different.”

“It was a combo of four different drugs, wasn’t it?” Jamie asks softly, glancing around.

Stella sighs and nods. “Yes, you’ve heard of it?”

“Yeah, it’s a new drug that’s been circulating lately. It’s expensive as hell. They call it Blue Ice. It’s supposed to be given in minimal amounts for the proper effect that’s wanted.”

“Jos ate several of those chocolates, and all of them were laced,” Stella remarks, nodding again. “Explains the overdose.”

“So, what now?” I demand, wanting to know if she’s going to be okay.

“They’re getting ready to move her to a room. She hit her head on the road, and it had to be pretty hard. There’s some swelling in her brain, and we’ll be observing her overnight,” Stella answers and takes a breath before giving me the room number. “I have to get back there and deal with Dr. Whitman’s bad attitude.”

“Is he the one who pissed me off?”

Stella gives me the stink eye and shakes her head. “He’s really not a bad doctor. But his sister died of an overdose about a month ago, so you can understand his not liking the fact another woman came in nearly overdosing.”

“Still doesn’t give him the right to speak to us the way he did,” Jamie huffs, curling his lip.

“True, but remember you guys aren’t the normal type. He probably felt he needs to puff out his chest and act like a jerk to deal with you all.” Stella rolls her eyes and looks at Angel. “I’ll let you know when I finish my shift.”

I turn away from the two of them as my brother kisses his woman. My only thought right now is to get to where Josephine is and set my eyes on her. Make sure she’s going to be okay, myself.

“I’ll let my folks know she’s being transferred right now,” Jamie tells me quietly.

“Yeah,” I grunt and look to Styxx to find him staring daggers behind me.Slowly I twist to see what he’s looking so hard at and curse under my breath. “What are you doing here, Finnegan?”

“Heard what happened,” he mutters and looks at Jamie, “What’s the news on your sister?”

“Ask him.” Jamie jerks his chin in my direction. “I’m dealing with something else here.”

“Right, talking to the folks,” Finnegan mutters, rolls his eyes, and looks at me. “So, how is she?”

“She’ll be fine. Now, what are you doing here?” I demand, not wanting to play games right now.

“Here to talk to you all. Figured you all weren’t paying attention to your phones.”

Reaper having heard Finnegan steps forward, eyes dark and nostrils flaring. “Want to expand on that?”

“Cell service is shitty in here,” he explains. “Was at the pub having a beer and overheard your prospects come in for their shift talking to the bartender. She was freaking out because one of your staff took the trash out and never came back in. Told them I was coming here, and I’d tell y’all.”

“Who was it that took the trash out?” Beast demands, growling. From the looks of his expression, he looks ready to breathe fire.

“Said her name was Bristol.”

Oh fuck.

“Beast,” Styxx mutters, placing a hand on his shoulder.

“What the fuck?” Beast snarls.
