Page 72 of Pride Not Prejudice

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“I can’t risk it.”

I couldn’t tell him of Giulio’s family or of his past. It was too dangerous. I grabbed Nic’s face in my hands and held him steady as I stared into his eyes. “Do you trust me?”

“Of course.”

“Then trust I won’t do anything to bring you harm. He is a close friend, and he understands the need for discretion. It’s how he lived most of his life.”

The lines around his mouth deepened as he frowned. I could tell he didn’t wish to deny me, but he was worried about repercussions. “Did you tell him my name?” he finally asked.

“No, and I won’t. It will only be a few days. You’ll hardly know he’s here.”

“I don’t like it.”

No one would be allowed aboard without Nic’s approval, so I needed to win him over. Hooking a finger in his waistband, I began towing him toward the head just a few feet away. “Let’s see if I can change your mind.”

Chapter Two


I was not fooled, I knew precisely what he was doing. But I could not stop him. I could not help myself when it came to this man.

This, of course, was a problem. The Bratva didn’t like gay men. If anyone in Moscow found out my preferences, it would mean a bullet to the back of my head.

But from the first moment I saw Theo at a private party in Paris, I had to have him. He was bold and creative, lithe and sexy. His style was loose and chic, but edgy, like some of the musicians I found attractive as a youth—David Bowie, Steven Tyler and Keith Richards. I admired Theo’s daring in being himself, his unflinching bravery. I pursued him relentlessly that night, and our one night stand turned into days, then two weeks.

Now we were on my yacht for a working holiday. And the privacy of the open sea meant I could relax and be myself with him, without others around.

So I should refuse this friend. It’s what any sane person in my situation would do. The more people here, the more chance my secret would be discovered.

Blyat! I needed to say something.

“Theo,” I started as we entered the head.

Silent, he shoved me inside and closed the door. With a flick of his wrist, he turned the lock then started toward me. He had an intense, determined look in his eyes. Heat unfurled in my groin, thickening me.

“Relax, mon grand.” He moved in, fitting himself perfectly to my larger frame. His hands slid over my chest to the nape of my neck. Drawing closer, he sealed his lips to mine and I sank into his mouth.

I loved kissing him. Theo was an active kisser, with his fingers stroking and smoothing, while our legs and chests rubbed together. It felt like we were truly connected, that there wasn’t any part of him not touching me.

I lost myself in him, my head swimming with his taste and smell, the feel of warm skin slippery from lotion. I craved more. His touch thawed out my insides, brought back the parts of me long frozen from years of secrets and violence.

More than anything, I wished I could keep this feeling forever. Bottle it up and store it for after this ended.

I breathed him in, our tongues swirling, and he ground our hard dicks together through our clothes, sending sparks through me. Angling my head, I kissed him aggressively, taking more, demanding all he could give me. I was ravenous for him.

Breaking off from my mouth, he slowly sank to the floor until he was at my feet. But it was his eyes that held my attention. They were filled with hunger and affection, a teasing playfulness that no other lover had dared before. “Take it out for me,” he whispered. “Then let me lick you all over.”

I was reaching for my belt before he even finished speaking.

My zipper rasped in the quiet room. Then my cock was there, angled at his face.

Theo smoothed his palms up my thighs. “I love that you don’t wear briefs.” Before I could comment, he leaned in and put his lips on the crown, kissing the tip. “So gorgeous. Shirt, please.”

I whipped off my shirt and tossed it onto the counter. Theo’s gaze coasted up my stomach and across my chest. “God, I love looking at you.”

“Same, solnyshko.”

Shuffling closer, he swiped his tongue across my slit. “Yum. Give me more, mon grand.”

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