Page 149 of Four for a Boy

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He cursed and rushed after it. Shawn shuffled up in bed to keep Josh in his sight. He pressed the oxygen mask to his face and took a deep breath.

“Everybody knows.”

“Nobodyknows.” Ally corrected. “They just think they do.”

“Frank knows,” Chad whispered.

He stiffened at the grip on his hand. Ally had hold of his fingers, and squeezed until he looked at her. She smiled, and tears shone in her eyes. “I’m happy for you, really, I am.”

There was so much sincerity in her eyes, Chad had to look away.

“Thank you.”

He squeezed back, and then they both resumed watching Josh through the window.

He held the yo-yo out to Shawn.

Shawn took it and clutched it to his chest.

He looked up at Josh with wide eyes. His bottom lip began trembling, and his brow folded. Josh leaned down for a hug, and Shawn’s arms shot around him. He curled his hands into the back of Josh’s jacket, twisting the fabric.

“Sometimes, he surprises me.” Ally murmured.

Josh released Shawn and sat back in the chair. He poured water from a jug and held it out to Shawn. He drank the lot, before holding the cup out for more.

“I knew he’d help.”

Chad shook his head. “You thought he wouldn’t get through to Shawn.”

“That’s caught me by surprise. I meant I knew he’d help you.”

Chad opened his mouth to argue, but found he couldn’t. “There’s a lightness to him. It’s nice to be around.”

“But not all the time. Christ, I definitely think it’s possible to overdose on Josh.”

Shawn was talking, spilling out choked words. Josh held his hand, listening intently, reminding him to breathe from the mask whenever he needed to.

Shawn did as Josh instructed, taking deep breaths.

Tears rolled down his cheeks, and Josh brushed them away with his thumbs.

The yo-yo fell off the bed onto the floor, but neither Shawn nor Josh noticed.

Chapter Twenty-One

It was 3:00 in the morning when Chad finally pulled up outside the house. He knew Romeo would be awake, no doubt pacing the house while he waited for news.

He’d left the outside light on for Chad so he wouldn’t trip in the dark.

It reminded him of a beacon, calling him home.

Chad took a deep breath and got out of the car.

He slammed the car door shut at the same moment Romeo opened the front one. He stepped out, but didn’t come any closer. The outside light shone from behind him, hiding his expression. Chad looked at his silhouette, able to tell he was tense. His arms were crossed, leaving his pointy elbows sticking out.

Chad leaned against the car while jumping his keys up and down in his hand. Part of him wanted to climb back inside the car and drive away from the conversation rushing closer.

“Are you okay?” Romeo asked.
