Page 150 of Four for a Boy

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Chad hung his head. “No.”

“What happened?”

Chad inwardly rewound the afternoon’s events and then told them to Romeo, a nonstop stream of emotionless information. He couldn’t tell whether Romeo’s expression changed, but his stance didn’t. He stayed statue-still in the dark. The light glowing around him, made him look bigger, imposing.

“Shawn is alive?”

“Yeah. He’s at the hospital.” Chad exhaled a breath. “When I left, he was sleeping.”

“And Tate?”

“When I left him, he was still in his car on Castle Hill.” He shrugged. “I’ve assumed they’ve moved him by now.”

“Sounds like you had a good result.”

Chad screwed up his face.

“You saved the fourth victim and watched the killer die.”

Chad snapped his eyes to Romeo.

He couldn’t see Romeo, but Romeo could see him, and he hoped he registered the shock, and hint of anger on his face.

“I didn’t get any enjoyment out of him dying.”

Romeo shook his head.

“We need to talk,” Chad whispered.

“That explains why you’re keeping your distance.” Romeo sighed. “Come on, I’ll make you a drink. We’ll talk in the living room.”

“I’d prefer to talk here.”

Where I can’t see your face.

Romeo squared his body and cocked his head to one side. “I’m listening.”

“I can’t…” Chad growled at himself, then blurted out, “I keep thinking about what you asked me a few weeks ago.”

“Enlighten me.”

“You asked me if I’d kill for you.”

“And you said yes.”

He hoped the earth might open up and swallow him, but nothing happened. He tapped his foot on it, gritting his teeth at the lack of an escape.

Romeo didn’t move.

“I mean—I could kill for you. If I had to. I would. To protect you … to protect us. But killing someone because youwantme to…” He pointed towards the field. “I know that makes me a hypocrite, or in your eyes, cowardly, but I don’t want to cross that line.”

“You wanted to kill Marc.”

“Marc hurt me and so did Dr Carter, but the others in the field didn’t. They came with me here. They trusted me. I know they murdered people and thought they’d gotten away with it, and it’s our sick justice, but I don’t feel any hate towards them.”
