Page 15 of Four for a Boy

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Ally glared at Josh in the mirror. “If you say those words one more time, Josh, I’ll drive this car into a ditch.”

“Chad found it funny.”

Chad’s lips twitched. “Maybe a little.”

“Yeah, but we all know Chad has lost his mind.” Ally shot a smile Chad’s way.

“And I thought I hid it so well.”

“Not well enough from me.”

“There’s no hiding from an old dog.”

Ally’s mouth dropped open. “What did you just call me?”


Josh snorted. “It could’ve been worse. He could’ve said old bitc—”

“I’m warning you.” Ally said, curling her fingers around the wheel.

“Okay, okay,” Josh leaned back. “But seriously, Chad? You did nothing yesterday… I called you to see if you wanted to hang out.”

“Sorry. I missed it.”

“Apology not accepted, and I’m buying you a games console for your birthday by the way.”

“And I’m buying you a cookbook,” Ally added, “or better yet, some cooking lessons. You might meet someone.”

“He might meet someone gaming, too.”

“Someone real,” Ally replied. “Not like Sarah.”

“Sonya. She is real…”

Chad held up his hand before they could start arguing again. “Thanks for the offer, but I don’t want a games console or cooking lessons. I’m happy, relaxing.”

“On your own?” Josh asked.

“Yes.” Chad nodded. “On my own.”

“With one hand or two?”

Ally twisted around lightning fast to scowl at Josh in the back. “What did I say!”

Chad tried to stop his smile. Detectives. They’d all partially lost their minds. It came with the territory.

Chapter Three

“Justin Fen.”

The DI put his image up on the screen. Red-cheeked, sweaty-haired, arms around two women, with a drunken grin slapped to his face. There was a logo in the corner of the image in a glowing font.

The Desperado.

“This picture was taken the night he went missing. He walked out of The Desperado and vanished. No one has seen or heard from him since. His flat mate called the station, concerned. Justin was found at 2:00 AM this morning by Heston Adams. We currently have no cause of death, but Dave is downstairs in the mortuary working away.”

“What is with the weird squiggle in the photograph?” Ally said.
