Page 39 of Four for a Boy

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“Some like to lead investigators off on tangents, some like to see for themselves if they’re under suspicion, and some enjoy getting close to their case. They get some sick pleasure out of meeting the detectives hunting them. It adds to their excitement.”

“I’m not a serial killer.” Pete laughed. “I’m not like Romeo Knight or Vincent Whitehall.”

“Then why the interest in Chad?”

“I’ve met Josh before,” Pete explained. “I’ve seen him at The Desperado. Once he’s had a few drinks down him he tells anyone who’ll listen he is a detective.”

Chad peeked back at Josh who blushed.

“When I walked over,” Pete continued, “I assumed Chad was in charge, and maybe there was an element of … being star-struck. He’s memorable, he can’t go through what he did, and not be memorable, that’s why I shook his hand.”

“You assumed he was in charge? Why?”

“I don’t know—”

“Because he’s a man?”

“Look, I shook his hand in greeting, what has that got to do with Romeo Knight? What has any of this got to do with Romeo Knight?”

The DI pushed off from the table. “Thank you for your time.”

Pete got to his feet. “Are you going to answer my question?”

“No,” Ally replied.

“Instead of pointing the finger at me and my club, you should be pointing it at Olivia and hers.”

“Why?” the DI asked.

“She has a motive.”

“Which is?”

“To sully my reputation before her clubs open. To make my customers feel unsafe.”

“You’re accusing her of these killings.”


“Despite her hiring Damian.”

Pete pressed his lips in a grim line.

“Justin was a potential customer of hers…”

“She’s smart.” Pete said.

“We’re done here,” the DI said, walking out.

“You’re free to go.” Ally followed the DI and shut the door on a red-faced Pete.

Chad stood up, about to leave the box room, but before he did, he looked back at Pete and found him in front of the mirror.

He stared and Chad stared back.

The hairs on Chad’s nape lifted.
