Page 44 of Four for a Boy

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“I wish you didn’t encourage them.” Chad shivered. “They freak me out.”

“They’re probably more wary of you than you are of them.”

Chad looked out of the door and stared at the watchers. Their eyes didn’t leave him. “I doubt that.”

“Go shower.” Romeo pushed Chad in the direction of the stairs. “And get into something more comfortable. No more talk of killers—it’s you, me, tacos, and TV.”

“Sounds perfect.”

Chad ended the night curled up on the sofa, head resting on Romeo’s thigh, while the sci-fi series they both got addicted to played on screen. Romeo threaded his fingers through Chad’s hair, making it impossible to stay awake, but when his eyes closed, he saw the victim’s torsos behind his lids, tagged with his boyfriend’s name.

Romeo Knight.


The cup in Chad’s hands warmed his palms. He stared down at the coffee, and the swirl left behind when Keeley had stirred in the sugar. It was either that or watch the door with his heart in his throat, waiting for it to fly open.

“Are you going to look at me?”

Chad scrunched up his face. It filled with heat, but he managed a quick look at Keeley.


“I’m sorry, okay.”


Chad waved his hand. “Last time.”

“We’ve been over this.”

“I know, but I can’t help it. I should’ve done something. I should’ve got him away from you.”

“I’m okay, you’re okay, and now he’s okay. We’re all okay.”

“I know. I’m embarrassed, that’s all.”

“You’ve got no reason to be.”

“I almost didn’t come,” Chad whispered. “I was close to cancelling.”


“I was too … ashamed.”

“What changed your mind?”

“I thought it was better to face the problem, rather than ignore it.”

Keeley swooped down for her pen and scribbled something in her notebook. Chad watched her with his eyebrow raised until she stuttered out a lie. “I forgot to put the date.”

“Sure you did…”

“How have you found the last week?”

“A challenge.”

“In what way?”

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