Page 47 of Four for a Boy

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Less like he was standing on the edge of a cliff waiting to fall, but back from it, no longer in peril. She’d smiled at him, squeezed his shoulder, and helped him up from the couch. Chad wanted to rewind everything he’d said, just in case he’d mentioned Romeo in the present tense and not realized, but Keeley didn’t look petrified, she grinned at him.

The biggest grin Chad had ever seen on her face.

“You did good today, Chad. You opened up about work and how seeing Romeo’s name set you back, your overprotective friend and sergeant whose concern smothers you, and your boyfriend who is pushing you towards trying something you’re not ready for.”

Chad blinked at the sudden headrush. “What?”

“Sorry, I know you didn’t label him as your boyfriend, but it was obvious. You should be able to feel assertive in your relationship without the fear it will collapse. Your wants are as important as your partner’s wants.”

“I don’t want to lose him.”

“But rather that than loseyourselfto him. All of these issues, and what’s the common theme?”

“Control. I feel like they’re out of my control.”

“They’re not. You can’t control other people, Chad, but you can control how you handle situations, and respond to them in a healthy manner.”

“I either stand my ground, refuse his request, and risk his love or I go along with what he wants despite being uncomfortable and he keeps loving me.”


“What do you mean ‘well’?”

“Which is the better option?”

Chad knew which Keeley wanted him to pick, but couldn’t. His lack of response earned him a tut, and a sympathetically spoken, “Chad…”

Chad jolted at the vibrating in his pocket.

“I better get that.”

Keeley strode across the room and opened the door.

“Thank you,” he said, stepping out.

“Same time next week.”

Chad nodded and pressed the phone to his ear. “Ally, what is it?”

“We got Damian’s phone records.”



Chad waved at the receptionist while shoulder-barging the door open. “Nothing?”

“Damian went outside and was texting his girlfriend about how much he hated Pete Jamerson and that he needed to calm down otherwise he would go back inside and ‘deck’ him. Then he goes quiet, and he’s travelling along the road at speed until he stops where we found him.”

“He doesn’t call for a taxi, or message anyone to pick him up?”

“No, nothing like that. He texts his girlfriend, and that’s it. She was asleep and didn’t reply, but he ranted at her before he went quiet.”

“Why would he go quiet?” Chad mused.

“Either the killer has overwhelmed him and he can’t use the phone, or he’s willingly put it away on the drive.”

“And if you were with a taxi driver—a stranger, you’d still be on your phone to pass the time, but if you were with someone you knew…”
