Page 53 of Four for a Boy

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“We didn’t at first but then he agreed to paper straws, clear plastic bottles, and recycled toilet tissue. I’d like him to get rid of plastic bottles altogether, but it’s baby steps for now. He’s making the effort to change, unlike some.”

“Who?” Chad asked.

“That Olivia Jones. I’ve written to her but heard nothing back. That club shouldn’t have been given the go-ahead in the first place. That building site has been chugging up dust and debris for months. It’s inhumane.”

“So is murder,” Josh muttered.

“Talk to her.” Julie said. “Then you’ll know what I mean. She’s a siren that one, luring young men to their deaths…”

“I think we better go talk to Olivia.” Chad said to Josh.

He whined and patted his belly. “Can’t we just—”

“No.” Chad checked his watch. “It’s not even lunch time.”

“But I’m starving.”

“Tough.” Chad ushered Josh out of the café.


As soon as they stepped into the construction site of Goddess, everything ground to a stop. The cement mixer stopped whirling. The workmen stopped chatting and fixed their emotionless faces on Chad and Josh, glaring at them as they strode forward, clutching their police IDs.

“We’re outnumbered. Ten to one.” Josh whispered.

“More like twenty to one.”

No one approached them, but the hostile vibes slowed them to a stop. They glanced around.


Chad startled at the angry shout. The woman who’d yelled took her hard hat off and clutched it to her chest. She wasn’t wearing high visibility like the others, but a suit like him and Josh. Her black hair was scraped back into a high ponytail, and her high heels looked like weapons.

Black eyelashes and red lips made her features pop.

“Fuck, she’s hot.” Josh murmured.

Chad ignored him.

Her fierce frown deepened as she gave Chad a disgusted look. “You can’t come in here unannounced.”

Chad flashed his ID. “DC Chad Fuller, and this is DC—”

“I’m Josh, just call me Josh.” He stuck his hand out, and she shook it. Her anger faltered for a minute as she gazed into Josh’s blue eyes. “Olivia Taylor. Soon to be a club owner.”

“I can’t wait. I saw the plans online. Goddess.”

Chad frowned, mouthing Goddess at Josh.

“That’s the name of the club,” he blurted. “It’s gonna have a goddess and gods theme. I wasn’t calling Olivia a goddess.” He reddened. “Not that you’re not a goddess. If goddesses were real, you’d be one for sure. Top,topgoddess.”

Josh’s cheeks took on a vibrant shade.

Olivia grinned. “Thank you.”

“We’re investigating the deaths of Justin Fen and Damian Hunt. We’re asking locals for any information.”

“I didn’t know Justin, but I did know Damian.”
