Page 66 of Four for a Boy

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“I thought it was for the best.”

“The best? You’re the one that says I should put the past behind me, be the detective, do what I’m good at, the only thing I’ve been good at and then behind my back you speak to the DI and undermine me.”

“If this killer is targeting young men that look like you, it’s only a matter of time before they try to make you one of their victims. It’s better that you’re kept away from the case, and any developments.”

“That’s your theory.”

“Currently it’s the only one we’ve got.” Ally pointed at him. “The DI’s grounded you, he hasn’t taken you off the case.”

“I’m to spend ten hours a day in the incident room, twiddling my thumbs while you get to run around catching the killer.”

“For your own good. Why do you have to be so stubborn?”

“Me?” Chad stabbed his index finger into his chest. “I’m the stubborn one.”

“I’m only trying to look out for you.”

“I never asked you to and getting a security detail to park outside my house. What the hell is that about?”

“It’s to keep you safe.”

“It’s not happening.” Chad snapped. “No one has come after me, and they’ll get a shock if they do.”

“What’s that mean?”


“No, come on, Chad, it must meansomething. What are you going to do if someone comes knocking? You’re alone out there. How are you going to fight them off?”

Chad pressed his lips together, refusing to retaliate.

Ally barked a laugh. “You’ve tried twice before and it didn’t work out too well for you, did it!”

“Go to hell!”

“Coffee,” Josh announced, appearing between them. “It was getting cold, so I thought I’d better bring it out for you.” He forced Chad to take it. “Are you both done shouting in the stairwell? We’ve got work to do. Come on, team, let’s not turn on each other.”

Ally knocked the back of her head against the wall. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

“No.” Chad took a calming breath. “You shouldn’t have, but you did.”


She went to speak, but he cut her off,

“Just … just leave it.”

Ally reached for his shoulder, then thought better of it and retreated into the incident room.

“So that was super awkward…”

Chad sipped the coffee, but it had long cooled and tasted bitter on his tongue.

“Grounded, huh?”

Chad slumped. “Yep.”

“What about Saturday?”
