Page 36 of The Sweetest Note

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“I’m sure you are,” Xav says drolly. “Miss Lennon isn’t showering, and her smell is offending me.”He acts like I have a choice in the matter. I have no choices, outside of how I respond to his words.I roll my lips inwards subtly, telling myself to stay quiet.

“I have plans for her today, and need her to keep a healthy weight. Please make sure she showers. Wash her hair, dry it, and feed her as well. She can have a little time without the straightjacket. Then please bring her to Unit three.”

Xav pushes me into Nurse Ratched’s arms, and thankfully she catches me, because I slip on the tile and almost fall on my ass. “Oh, and Nurse Elaine?” he says as she scowls down at me. “Her pussy hair is growing back, and even though I don’t plan to fuck her, I prefer to look at a bare cunt. Be sure to shave her legs too.”

Xav leaves the room muttering about incompetent employees and Nurse Ratched curses under her breath. I don’t even know how to process his words, my mind racing at the thought of Nurse Ratched shaving any of my body parts.

“You’re nothing but a huge pain in the ass,” she grumbles as she starts untying and pulling off the straightjacket. “I was so damn close to coming, my porn was on and Colly was fucking my ass like the stallion he is,” the nurse continues. I swallow back bile, unable to stop myself from gagging.

“Ugh, you’re an entertainment whore, why are you so offended?” Nurse Ratched asks, rolling her eyes. Her words make me feel cheap, the memories of spotlights and fans reminding me I am not. My words mattered to people. I hold tightly to these as she pulls my shirt off, leaving me in my birthday suit.

“Now you have to deal with my foul mood, because he left me hanging. I was so damn close, but noooo. I can’t leave the princess waiting.” I hold in a snort of derision as she aggressively turns on the water before shoving me into the cold.

Squeaking at the temperature, I shudder as a bone deep freeze settles into my bones. Between the cold temps of the hospital and this shower, it feels like I’ll never be warm.

“I’m likely to pull all that gnarled hair out of your stupid head if I take a brush to it, so I am going to go find Colly and make him finish what he started,” Nurse Ratched complains as she grabs a caddy of shower things.

I stare in disbelief as I see shampoo, conditioner, and other various toiletries inside it.Is she shitting me right now?

“You heard Mr. Xav, shave your pussy,” she says, placing the caddy at my feet and walking out of the bathroom with my clothes.

Well, it doesn’t look like I’ll be escaping right now.Sighing, I crank the temperature in the shower to almost scalding. I close my eyes for a moment, breathing a prayer into the air. I’ve never been religious, but there’s no one here on my side, no one who cares, and I can tell I’m going to need strength today.

I wash my hair in hot water, uncaring today of how I’m supposed to use the opposite for my lavender color. Xav is insistent he hates the color, and I have no desire to be cold again. I want to live in the warmth for as long as possible. There’s not a curtain, but no one is here—

Bang.Jumping as I’m pulling a hair brush through my hair to untangle it, I look around the corner only to get an eyeful of Nurse Ratched’s ass. Colly is pulling his dick out, striding further into the bathroom. “Ew,” I whisper, shuddering.I could have lived my entire life without ever seeing that.

The large dormitory styled bathroom fills with the sounds of fucking. At least they’ll be occupied while I finish. Searching the caddy, I find razors, and my hand stills.Will I ever get out of here?

My finger rubs over it as I look down at my body. Now that I’m not freezing, the water licks over every bruise, cut, and wound. My body is littered with the abuse I’ve received. Frowning, I grab the shaving cream and razor and begin grooming myself. There’s a small ledge, and as I look up at the mirror, I realize I can’t see Nurse Ratched or Collymore in the reflection at all. Craning my head, I realize they’re around the corner, which means I’m essentially alone for a bit.

I haven’t cut in years.My skin prickles with unease as I prop my foot back up to continue to shave my legs. Breathing in and out, I shudder as all I can think about is popping out the blade on one of the three new razors left for me and taking back a little bit of myself. Goosebumps raise on my legs as I finish and I start to shave my pussy. I don’t know why Xav is so insistent, and it is by no means the jungle he made it out to be.

This place is filled with perverts and masochists, and I’m at the mercy to their whims. I could fight him on this, but Xav would do something even worse… like make Colly hold me down while Nurse Ratched pawed all over me.

“Oh fuck, Colly,” she screams and I roll my eyes. The door opens again and I quickly drop the razor into the caddy. Just because I was given permission to use the stupid thing doesn’t mean there won’t be repercussions if I’m caught using it.

I never said my life made any kind of sense anymore.

“Oye, who's in here?” asks Eric, and I hide deeper in the shower. I don’t know this orderly well, but his form of ‘therapy’ isn’t one I ever want to experience.

“The patient is showering, and I’m fucking Elaine. I think she may need your dick along with mine to get off though,” Colly says.

On the one hand that means he’s going to leave me alone. On the other… I peek at the mirror and watch as his reflection strips to help Colly. The sounds of Nurse Ratched choking on what I assume is Eric’s dick at least helps to muffle the sound of her screams.

Reaching down, I pick up the razor and finish shaving what I need to. The water is starting to cool and Nurse Rached is screaming about how good it feels to be double teamed. I guess Eric moved to another hole. I quickly grab a fresh razor, pop it out of the handle and lift my leg high to see where my thigh meets my ass. Breathing deeply, I press it into my skin. Moaning, I feel a stillness even in the horror that is my life. Careful not to cut too deeply, my only regret is I don’t have time to do more.

Swallowing hard, I pull my control tightly to me, washing my body thoroughly with the body wash.

“Fuck, fuck, why is no one touching my pleasure button? Fucking idiots,” Nurse Ratched screams. She must decide to do it herself, because I hear her coming. The guys finish loudly after her, and I turn off the water.

“About damn time!” Nurse Ratched complains, but I’m unsure if she means me or the fact that she finally had an orgasm.

A perfunctory knock sounds and my eyebrows raise because honestly no one ever knocks here. I peek around out of the stall, watching as a nurse with dark brown hair walks in with a tight smile, carrying towels and clothes for me.

“Out you go,” she murmurs, eyes averted as she hands me a towel. My lips part in surprise as she gives me a bit of privacy. I quickly dry off, taking special care to press down on the cut I made to make sure it’s not bleeding.

Checking the towel for blood as she turns away from me to search the room for other people and grab my clothes, I breathe a small sigh of relief as I see it’s not bleeding enough to run down my leg. Taking the clothes from her, I make a small sound of surprise as I see underwear, soft pants, and a heavier long sleeved shirt. There’s not a bra, but it’s more clothes than I usually am allowed to wear.

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