Page 72 of The Sweetest Note

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Greg: This model? Two at best.

Of course. Breathing deeply, I grab my phone and look up the date Grant Williams was first elected as mayor of Farrelsville. Derek was twelve according to the photo above the date on the news article. Looking back at the keypad, I decide Grant is just self-absorbed enough to make the code the date he was first elected.

Anyone else would use something important to them like the date they got married, their first kid was born, shit like that. Grant? Nope, he’s just vain enough to try this. Deciding to try once and then continue the search for the damn key that may not be in this room, I frown at the safe. Reaching out, I enter the code, tension running throughout my body.

I seem as if I don’t care about anything. Aloof. Relaxed. However, I know Derek could feel my coiled muscles ready to spring into action and hyper alert when I was pressed against him. It somehow doesn’t bother me as much, knowing he could feel one of my best kept secrets the other night.

Inhaling deeply, I enter the numbers into the keypad. Shuddering, I exhale as the safe unlocks and opens slightly.Holy crap, I didn’t really think that would work.

I’m in. Grant is an egomaniac.

Greg: I could have told you that. Scanning through the computer now. I don’t see anything about the hospital, but there’s a lot of campaign emails and bank statements. I’ll pull all of it and see if any of it is incriminating.

Good, because at the end of all of this, the fucker will either be in jail or dead. I vote for death, but ultimately it’s up to Derek. I don’t even care about the authoritative powers that be. Their decisions and thoughts don’t mean anything to me. I want to know what the man with soulful dark brown eyes and pouty lips has to say.

Blinking, I force myself back to the present. Opening the safe, I see a sheath of paperwork. Going through it quickly with my phone flashlight, I see that it discusses coal mines, offshore accounts, and a page with a list of names. Taking photos of it all, I carefully replace it. Also in the safe is cash that I’m not interested in, but it’s a large amount, so I take photos of it as well.

As I’m scanning the rest of the contents because there are a few shelves, a notification flashes on my phone. Opening it, I see it’s Derek. He promised to text me before he left the event that’s an hour away from here.

Derek: Headed out of here. Make sure you clean up after yourself.

Rolling my eyes, I smirk. He’s a brat, because he has to know I would never let Grant know I was here. It would endanger him, and that’s something I refuse to allow.

Baby, I always clean up after myself.

Hitting the send button, I immediately ask myself if that was too much? I’ve never flirted and meant it before. Most of the time, my careless smiles mean nothing, and are done simply so I’ll fit in. I didn’t care what my hooded green eyes told the girls in high school, the random bars I went to while I was working, or the strip clubs I’ve had to frequent with Grant, my father, and his cronies.

It’s amazing how loose lipped men will get around strippers. You’d think it would be an issue for a man who runs his platform on family values and mental health, but everywhere we’ve been hasn’t said a word. I don’t know how Grant gets so lucky, outside of the fact that my father tips the outside bouncer well and the manager every time he goes to one. It’s as if they all have an understanding.

That understanding could very well be me: their enforcer. Apparently, my reputation is quietly known in the seedy underbelly of Kentucky.

It’s just what I always wanted to be when I grew up.

Texting Greg to let him know Grant is on the way home, I close the texting app and concentrate on putting things back where they belong. Every item back in its place, I scan it all again before closing the door to the safe and carefully setting the canvas over it, making sure it clicks when I do.

Gently tugging on the canvas, I nod to myself, knowing it won’t move and alert Grant someone was here.

Scanning everything, I note there’s no red light that shows I’m being recorded. While it would be a little late to discover this, Greg would be able to alter it if it was controlled by Grant’s computer.

I’m going to head out. I’m pulling the drive so I hope you’re done. Let me know if there’s anything important we need to discuss.

Greg: Yep. I’m done.

Rolling my eyes, I see there’s another message from Derek, but I want to get out of this office before I check it. Striding to the computer, I pull the thumb drive, making sure the evidence is erased that it was ever there.

And we’re done.I honestly expected this to be harder, but the logistics to have everyone out of the house and the alarm off still would have been difficult before today. Especially now that my father still hasn’t left the Williams’ guest room.

Blowing out a slow breath, I sneak back out the window, making sure to close and lock it up from the outside. Walking quickly with my head down, I melt into the shadows on my way to my vehicle.

Removing the ski mask only because it would cause attention to myself, I start the car. Beginning to drive away, I remember Derek’s message when I’m about a mile down the road. Fumbling, I pull out my phone to check it.

Slowly stopping the car next to an abandoned field, I look down at the message.

Derek: So do I, but I usually use my tongue.

Fuck me.I’m so hard, I squeeze my cock, hoping it’ll help the ache. Unfortunately, it does nothing, only causing it to throb with need. This man does things to me I don’t understand. I do however know this one sentence makes me see Derek on his knees, mouth open submissively, his tongue ready to take my load on it as I jerk my cock to finish all over his face.

“You’re killing me,” I groan. I want to respond by telling him the ball is in his court, and while it is, that’s unfair. It’s not just us in this, there are others Derek is involved with who need to be looped into the conversation of what’s happening between us.

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